Resolution of February 1, 2022, of the National Institute of

The Legal Consultant


In accordance with the provisions of article 6.4 and 7.2 of the Resolution of April 16, 2021 of the National Institute of Public Administration, by which it demonstrated the criteria and procedure for the distribution, application and management of funds destined to the financing of training plans in the field of the General State Administration, it is up to the Joint Training Commission for Employment of the General State Administration to establish the deadline for submitting the training plans, the limits established in articles 5.2 and 9, as such, the scale according to which the criteria for the distribution of funds will be developed, which will be communicated to all the promoters registered in the FEDAP Portal and will be published in the Official State Gazette through a resolution of the head of the INAP Directorate. .

The Joint Training Commission for Employment of the General State Administration, when meeting on December 21, 2021, adopts the agreements that contain this resolution.

By virtue of this, this Directorate resolves:

First. Object.

Mediating this resolution, the procedure for the financing of training plans for employment, promoted by the General State Administration, within the framework of AFEDAP and in accordance with the Resolution of April 16, 2021 of the National Institute of Public Administration, begins. by which to establish the criteria and procedure for the distribution, application and management of funds intended to finance training plans in the field of the General State Administration, published in BOE No. 95, of April 21, 2021.

Second. Plaza and place of presentation of training plans.

1. The deadline for submitting training plans is fifteen working days from the day following the publication of this resolution. The presentation of aircraft is done through the FEDAP portal.

2. If the plans presented do not meet the required requirements, the promoter will be required to correct the lack or accompany the mandatory documents within a period of 10 business days, indicating that, if it was not done, your request will be considered withdrawn. , with the effects provided for in article 68 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

3. In those cases in which the distribution proposal contains an amount lower than that requested, the promoters must reformulate their plan and adapt it to the amount proposed within a period of ten business days.

4. The maximum term to resolve and notify the resolution of the procedure may not exceed six months from the publication of this resolution.

Third. Limit of expenses attributable to the training plan.

1. The expenses directly attributable to the complementary activities tend to a limit of 2 percent sober and imported total granted.

2. The general expenses associated with the execution of eligible activities that cannot be allocated directly tend to have a maximum limit of 10 percent on the importation of direct expenses.

3. Other indirect expenses for water, gas, electricity, messaging, telephone, office supplies consumed, surveillance and cleaning and other non-specialized expenses attributable to the training plan, will have a maximum limit of 6 percent of the total direct expenses. .

Bedroom. Justification square.

The justification for carrying out the training plans and the expenses incurred will be made by submitting, through the FEDAP portal, the supporting account within the period between January 1 and February 28, 2023. pluriannual plans the justification will be made partially each year in the period between January 1 and February 28 of the following year to which the expenses to be justified refer.

Fifth. Important to distribute and scale.

1. Of the funds corresponding to the General State Administration, the INAP manages the amount of 4.006.080 euros. The remaining amount, 9.347.510 euros, will be distributed among the promoters of the AGE which, except for justified reasons, will be used as a priority for specific training.

2. The determination of the individualized quantification of the funds to be transferred will be carried out as follows:

Interadministrative and Interdepartmental Plans.

  • a) In the case of inter-administrative and inter-departmental plans, it will be a maximum of 20% of the total funds allocated in each fiscal year. This limit will not operate, assuming there is a surplus of funds for unit plans. This determination will be made according to the following criteria:

    The relevance of the plan's design, content and scope of application based on the competencies and comparative advantages of each promoter. In the event that a plan is deemed ineligible pending this criterion, it will not be eligible for funding.

    The percentage of execution of the funds received in the previous year.

    In the event that a plan is not considered suitable based on the above criteria, its evaluation will not continue and it will not be able to receive financing.

  • b) Given the special nature of this type of plan, in the case of a promoter who submits his application for the first time, the Commission will propose the grant amount, which corresponds in any case to the imported solicitation at most, after analyzing the adequacy to the general interest and the nature of the planned activities of the submitted plan.
  • c) For the rest of the promoters, the executed imported and the degree of execution in the previous year will be taken into account. Given the special circumstances that occurred during the fiscal year prior to this resolution, for which it was not resolved until September of that year, the promoter is considered to have adequate execution capacity if the amount executed was greater than 40% of the Import granted. The amount proposed to be granted for each promoter will be calculated by applying, on the import executed in 2021, up to a 60% increase for those promoters who have had a degree of execution greater than 40%. The application of this increase will be done proportionally to the degree of execution of each promoter, multiplying and importing executed by the following coefficients:

    1,0 for a degree of execution equal to or less than 40%.

    1.6 for a degree of execution equal to 100%.

    A proportional value X between 1.0 and 1.6 for intermediate degrees of execution between 40% and 100%:

    X = [(execution degree – 40) * 0,6/60] + 1

  • d) In the application of the above criteria, tenders will be taken into account provided that the maximum amount proposed to be granted may not exceed the amount requested in any case.

Unit plans.

  • a) Except for those promoters who present aircraft for the first time, the executed import and the degree of execution in the previous year are tendered. Given the special circumstances that occurred during the fiscal year prior to this resolution, for which it was not resolved until September of that year, the promoter is considered to have adequate execution capacity if the amount executed was greater than 40% of the Import granted. The amount proposed to be granted for each promoter will be calculated by applying, on the import executed in 2021, up to a 60% increase for those promoters who have had a degree of execution greater than 40%. The application of this increase will be done proportionally to the degree of execution of each promoter, multiplying and importing executed by the following coefficients:

    1,0 for a degree of execution equal to or less than 40%.

    1.6 for a degree of execution equal to 100%.

    A proportional value X between 1.0 and 1.6 for intermediate degrees of execution between 40% and 100%:

    X= [(execution grade – 40) * 0,6/60] + 1

  • b) Based on the amount proposed in the previous section, the number of troops (potential recipients) to which each promoter directs its plan is taken into account, as indicated below.

    From the amount proposed to be granted in section a) for each of the promoters, the amount imported per cash will be calculated by dividing said quota by the number of effective or possible recipients of the plan.

    A maximum value was established, which was calculated by adding the average of the previously calculated means imported by cash and the standard deviation. A minimum value is also established that is calculated by virtue of the total number of troops for which all promoters request financing in 2021 and the total amount available for unit plans.

    The means imported by cash will be adjusted before obtaining for each of the promoters within those defined by these minimum and maximum limit values. Those promoters whose average imports for cash would have been higher than the maximum value will be assigned the maximum value as imports for cash; Those promoters whose average imports for cash would have been less than the minimum value will be assigned the minimum value as imports for cash.

    The minimum value is also taken as a reference in the account cycle for new promoters. In the case of promoters who present their request for the first time, the proposed amount to be granted will be the result of multiplying that minimum value by the number of effectives to which the plan.

  • c) In the application of the above criteria, tenders are taken into account provided that the maximum amount proposed to be granted may not exceed the amount requested in any case.
  • d) After applying the criteria provided above, the total sum of the individual proposed amounts is weighted in relation to the total funds available for the unit plans, obtaining as a correction factor that is applied to the amounts in order to adjust said amounts. to the total funds available for each fiscal year.

If, after applying the correction factor, there are still unallocated funds, the Joint Training Commission of the General State Administration may decide that they are used to finance INAP training plans.

Additional provision of resources

1. This resolution, which puts an end to the administrative procedure, may be appealed optionally in replacement or be challenged directly before the contentious-administrative court.

2. The optional appeal for reversal may be filed with the body that issued it, within a period of one month from the day following the publication of this resolution in the Official State Gazette, in accordance with articles 123 and 124 of Law 39/2015, of October 1.

3. The contentious-administrative appeal may be filed before the Central Contentious-Administrative Courts, within a period of two months from the day following its notification, in accordance with the provisions of articles 9.1.b) and 46. of Law 29/1998, of July 13, regulating the Contentious-administrative Jurisdiction.

4. When the resolution has been appealed for reversal, a contentious-administrative appeal may not be filed until the reversal appeal has been expressly resolved or has been dismissed due to administrative silence.

Single final provision Effectiveness

This resolves to take effect on the day following its publication in the Official State Gazette.