Montero, the faith of the apostle

Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote: “Whoever has faith does not need an explanation. For those who do not have it, there is no possible explanation. The statement fits like a glove with the character of Irene Montero, the Minister of Equality, a woman who has made politics an apostolate. Continuing on the religious level, Saint Paul toured Greece and Asia Minor to preach Christianity with the faith of the convert and was finally beheaded. It is Montero's attitude, that she prefers to immolate herself in martyrdom rather than take a step back in the cause in which she is active. She is not a cynical person, nor untrained, nor frivolous, nor incompetent, nor dishonest. He is a visionary who creates a sacred mission that, as Pablo de Tarso expresses in his maps, was inspired by an afterlife that we mortals cannot glimpse. The cause he defends is not debatable. It is a dogma that will impose itself. Whoever questions it is a heretic, a fascist, a sexist who threatens progress and the reason that she embodies. Endowed with the intolerance of the inquisitor, whoever dares to question the doctrine must be burned at the stake. Irene Montero does not debate, she pontificates because she is the infallible popess of feminism and LGTBI rights. And, as the highest authority of her Church, she assumes the power to establish what is true and what is false. Whoever does not abide by her creed must be expelled from the community of well-thought-outs. It is obvious that the minister cannot be mistaken because whoever is in possession of a revelation of a mystical nature has the gift of seeing further than others. She knows the way, the path to follow. The judges are lost. It is the others who are blinded by their prejudices and their lack of faith. She will never admit that she is a fanatic because she has the conviction of the martyrs and the saints. Her cause legitimizes her excesses, her desire to caricature reality and divide the world between good and bad. Montero does not admit the pact, nor the transaction in politics. She doesn't even believe that her adversaries can have a bit of a point. The truth is unique and indivisible and it is the Hegelian incarnation of the absolute. Reality acquires the greatest possible degree of rationality in its cause. What others think is pure superstition. The minister is the new Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz who preaches against self-righteousness and despises the vanities of this world. She could paraphrase the nun when she wrote: "Foolish men who accuse women without reason, without seeing that she is the occasion of the same as guilty." In moments when her principles are conspicuous by their absence in her politics, she has plenty of them. The more attacks she receives, the more certain she will be in possession of the truth. Definitely. That's why she's so dangerous.