Feminist entities accuse Montero of suffocating them economically for ideology

Erika MontanesCONTINUE

At the Federation of Associations of Separated and Divorced Women, the Women for Health association and ADDAS, the Association for Attention to Sexually Assaulted Women (its original in Catalan is Associació d'Atenció a Dones Agredides Sexualment) they are backed by more than thirty years of help women in vulnerable situations. Abused, raped, they have suffered incest, forced marriages or mutilation. They share a common past and an almost identical, very blurry immediate future: the three give voice to the discontent of countless social entities that denounce the transfer of subsidized funds through the double tranche of personal income tax and corporate income tax. It is the so-called unified 0.7, which is administered by the State, through the Secretariat of Social Rights and the autonomies in a proportion of 80-20% and which distributes aid for the maintenance of solidarity entities.

"If you do not share the ideology of Podemos, the two ministries (Equality and Social Rights) favor other groups and their platforms to the detriment of the pioneers and with the longest track record in Spain, but far from their ideas," says ABC Soledad Muruaga, President of Women for Health.

The funds have arrived, for the first time in the history of all the governments of Spain, almost half a year late. The social assistance institutions have been receiving them since May and they are still those corresponding to 2021. When opening the notification envelope by the State, Ana María Pérez del Campo, president of the Federation of Separated and Divorced Women, denounces this medium. with a 'suffocation of 71% less contribution'.

Ana Maria Perez del CampoAna Maria Perez del Campo – GUILLERMO NAVARRO

Muruaga ratified it. She has received 85.000 of the 250.000 euros that allowed her to maintain her three recovery and psychological care programs for women in a fragile situation. “It's 70% less. The worst thing is that there is more money than other years, and even so, we are many entities that find ourselves in this serious situation.

That there is a greater amount budgeted was confirmed by the Third Sector Platform: “In the last call for 0.7%, in 2021, in general terms, an improvement in the system was found. In turn, 65% of the programs presented have obtained funding (in the previous call they were 56%). Likewise, the average coverage rate in the financing of projects grows to 31% (10 percentage points more than in 2020). However, the demand (227 million euros) is many times higher than the transfer”. He continues: “On the other hand, we have detected that during the last years the average cost per program has been decreasing. However, taking into account the greater number of programs and, above all, the increase in the funds to be distributed, we find that the average cost per program has grown to 87.300 euros, which is about 28.400 euros more than the year previous". Sources from this platform confirm that the accumulated delay does put many entities in trouble.

Consequences of the 'hachazo'

After the 'hachazo', Mujeres para la Salud is forced, after laying off three workers, to ditch its headquarters on Alfonso XIII Avenue in Madrid and rent a small premises on Colombia Street in the capital. With what is received from the sale of the property, Muruaga visualizes that "they will survive as best they can for the next 2-3 years." Because otherwise "many of these women are left abandoned," she protested.

Pérez del Campo does not hide his deep anger with the ministers Ione Belarra and Irene Montero, whom more than once in public he has made ugly for their 'queer' policies against feminism. “Precisely those who presume to defend women beaten by gender violence cut off the tap to the pioneering institutions, while in recent days we see how Spain appears strewn with corpses for sexist crimes. It is no coincidence, the system does not work and these things happen when women's defense level is lowered. On top of those of us who watch over them, they drown us”.

His case is paradigmatic. After ten years of management and the largest and first center in the country for the recovery of comprehensive care for women and children victims of gender violence and keeping its location hidden so as not to reveal it to the aggressors, this week a Madrid city council has made public the location of the place (committing a serious imprudence) as a cry for help due to the scarcity of resources. “Its continuity is in danger,” warned the consistory, which added that for the first time since 1990 and after assisting 700 women and 800 minors, such an essential feminist service “is in serious risk of disappearance” by decision of the Government. "Violence lasts, and service is essential," the city council challenged the Podemos ministries.

The historical feminist Pérez del Campo resists. I don't even want to hear about goodbyes. “We have 50 families inside right now, 42 women. We can't let them go. We are going to continue as it is, ”she asserts, while she thanks the workers of the center who have been four months without pay. “The Community of Madrid has given us 60.000 euros and within the deadline. The amount that we have now received from the State is ridiculous to maintain the staff of psychologists, educators, social workers and legal services. These 'people' have proposed to close the center [message to the purple ministers], but I remind you that women vote. It's a chase."

The first shelter for battered women in the country, opened since 1990 in a Madrid municipalityThe first shelter for battered women in the country, opened since 1990 in a Madrid municipality – G. NAVARRO

In the third example, ADDAS, the target of their anger is the Generalitat de Catalunya and the perverted system: "It is institutional violence", agitates Gloria Escudero, coordinator of the pioneering association for the help of sexually assaulted women in this autonomy. They have taken out the calculator because they see a serious threat to their survival. "We don't have liquidity," she asserts to Escudero, after receiving 12.000 euros from the Barcelona City Council and 5.000 from the Provincial Council for the maintenance and rental of the headquarters for one year. Due to a “technical” error, they have been excluded from the public contributions of the community-State. “The system is conceived in a way that does not work, it has to provide services in the past, blindly, without even receiving the aid from the previous year. It is a chronic problem, aggravated this year by the exorbitant delay, ”she acknowledges to this newspaper. At the moment, this June and after 30 years of uninterrupted work, "all the workers have gone to an ERTE", she complains.

“Psychologically and legally accompanying 350 victims of media sexual violence each year requires more money. For the first time we have people on the waiting list and eight raped women whom we have now been unable to help,” she cries.