Law 4/2023, of March 7, which modifies Law 16/2022

The Legal Consultant



Let all citizens know that the Parliament of La Rioja has approved, and I, on behalf of His Majesty the King and in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the Statute of Autonomy, promulgate the following Law:


Access to housing for young people is in our community and in the country as a whole one of the main issues to be resolved by our welfare state. As has been observed in various studies, the emancipation of young people is taking longer and later: 65,1% of young Spaniards between the ages of 16 and 34 continue to live in the family home, a percentage 7 points higher than before ten years. The young people of our community do not escape this reality, derived among other reasons from the difficulty in acquiring a home owned, especially with the current interest rates of mortgage loans, all this will arise a framework of uncertainty that causes Young people, even with stable work, cannot afford emancipation and the development of an independent life.

However, public programs of social interest in housing have been revealed as one of the most effective instruments for young people to access their first habitual residence. Programs such as the Youth Mortgage, Rental Market, Register of Applicants for Protected Housing, Priority Program for Comprehensive Mediation for foreclosures of habitual residence, National Social Fund for Housing in La Rioja, Social Network for the Protection of individuals and families in of special vulnerability or the Special Leasing Program originate today as determining elements in the access to the first home for many people in our community.

The experience acquired through the years of application of said plans has highlighted the need to help public authorities in the field of financing the first home, given the difficulty of applicants to obtain the guarantees that banking entities to demand the loans from the council. In this sense, the main problem that exists when buying a home is paying the down payment, generally 20% of the total price of the home. There is a pool of young professionals in La Rioja, who ask to live, who are in a position to pay the monthly payment of a loan subject to mortgage guarantee but not the entry to said loan.

Therefore, it is considered necessary that the Autonomous Community of La Rioja, either through the General Administration, or through competently qualified subjects of the public sector, collaborate at the time of obtaining the loan, facilitating, under the regulatory conditions that are established, the necessary guarantee or endorsement so that first-time home applicants can access the necessary financing.

For this reason, the purpose of this bill is to add to article 67 of the Law on General Operations Budgets of the Autonomous Community of La Rioja for the year 2023 a section so that the La Rioja Executive can grant guarantees for young people on loans for his first habitual residence. In addition to the direct social benefits that this measure could entail, favoring young people's access to home ownership and at the same time fighting against depopulation in rural areas of La Rioja, this public guarantee program could also have a positive impact on employment. , direct and indirect jobs will arise in the case of new construction and rehabilitation and reform housing, and on tax collection, through VAT, IBI, patrimonial transfers and documented legal acts. The risks for the administration, which is the one that will guarantee these loans, are minimal, and certainly much lower than the benefits in terms of employment, tax collection and social that this modification can generate.

Single article Modification of Law 16/2022, of December 29, on General Budgets of the Autonomous Community of La Rioja for the year 2023

A paragraph e) is added to article 67 of Law 16/2022, of December 29, on General Budgets of the Autonomous Community of La Rioja for the year 2023, worded as follows:

e) The Government of La Rioja, through the bodies of the General Administration of the Autonomous Community of La Rioja, or the competent officials of the public sector, may grant a guarantee for a global import of at least three million euros (3.000.000 ,35 euros), with an extendable nature, to individuals under 20 years of age for loan operations carried out for the purchase of their first residence, with a limit of XNUMX% of the appraised value of the home. The procedure for its granting, the requirements and terms, such as the individual maximum amount of each of the guarantees will be regulated by regulation.

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Single final provision Entry into force

This law will enter into force the day after its publication in the Official Gazette of La Rioja.

Therefore, I order all citizens to comply with and cooperate in complying with this Law and the Courts and Authorities to enforce it.