What is known and what remains to come to light about the death of Isabel, Luis Lorenzo's political aunt


The death of María Isabel Suárez, the octogenarian from Grado (Asturias) has caused rivers of ink to flow. Just a few hours after the summary secret was lifted, more details of the investigation that the Civil Guard had been carrying out for weeks are already known. But what is known and what is not already known about the event that has shocked half the country. The main suspects are the niece of the deceased Arancha Palomino, 37, and her husband, actor Luis Lorenzo, 61. Both were arrested last Wednesday and released with precautionary measures (sign once a week in court and passport withdrawal) last Friday. Both declared themselves innocent this Monday when they went for the first time to sign at the Arganda del Rey courts.

The Homicide Group collected, as reported by ABC, several unlabeled cans from the bathroom of the couple who is analyzing Criminalistics. Two autopsies were performed on the deceased. Toxicological analyzes have revealed a presence that points directly to the poison: 200 times higher than normal in the case of cadmium and twenty times higher than usual in terms of manganese.

Palomino and Lorenzo confirmed that he stayed on the Asturias highway on June 28, when Isabel fell on the Rivas Vaciamadrid flat, so the victim would have stayed with the caretaker he had. At the moment ABC has only been able to verify that they hired the services of a caregiver a month before her death and that they only arrived at the house for five days. However, the suspects have already alleged that they paid a person to care for the elderly woman 24 hours a day and say they can prove it. The Civil Guard believes that this is silent as a result of abuse and continuous neglect that will occur between March and June of last year and that ended with the death of the octogenarian. The agents showed up at the Rivas apartment (after the complaint filed by Isabel's brother in Grado), Lorenzo did not let them enter. "He interpreted it as a way to control her house." The next time, last week, he showed up with a search warrant and arrest warrant.

metallic money

The actor Luis Lorenzo and his wife, Arantxa Palomino, kept 140.000 euros in metal in their apartment in Rivas, the mayor leaves it in his bedroom. That is the astronomical amount that the Civil Guard found during the search carried out last week when the couple was arrested. However, the actor had declared himself insolvent and, according to her testimony, he had resorted to social bonds to live. The Civil Guard is checking if he received this type of aid in the past and if he continued to do so. The actor has been drawn as a seducer obsessed with rich women. Some even reported him for having stolen large amounts of money from them. Arancha was studying Law with Ana Soria, Enrique Ponce's partner with whom he fantasized saying they were friends. She is, she has denied it, although she does recognize that they shared some subjects. Her family draws her as an unstable girl who has no relationship with her father, whom she ruined.

Another suspicion is because Isabel changed the will in favor of her niece Arancha in May 2021, a month before failing. According to their lawyer, Francisco Pérez, in the previous will he had already excluded several members of the family due to quarrels. The patrimonial investigation is still in the preliminary phase, during the search carried out last Wednesday in the couple's apartment in Rivas (Madrid). Regarding the inheritance and if it had already been touched, the couple's lawyer, Francisco Pérez Platas, assured in 'Viva la Vida' (Telecinco) that "the inheritance is not accepted, the bank provisions remain where they are with ownership of the deceased, as well as all his properties. However, Arancha told her friends that on May 23 she found herself in Grado (Asturias) to fix the papers for her aunt's apartment because she had to pay the capital gains and other taxes, otherwise she would have to pay recharge.

But despite having so much data, there are still many unknowns to be clarified. Confirm if poisoning was the cause of death and how and by whom it was administered. Know whether or not the deceased was mistreated as the Civil Guard tried to demonstrate. If you had caregivers, their testimony is key. The money she found in the house, where it came from. Arancha has already lent, the testimony of Luis Lorenzo remains to be heard. He had already touched the inheritance or not. What do the two CDs of the Civil Guard contain that have been included in the summary of the case. Without a doubt, this is a more complex investigation than expected. Hence, the instruction has been extended up to six more months to be able to respond to these and other doubts that are had today.