The diocese protests against "absolutism of all kinds" and calls for peace in Ukraine

In the largest concentration to date in Toledo in favor of Ukraine, more than six hundred people participated this Sunday afternoon in the vigil and subsequent candlelight procession convened by the Archbishopric of Toledo, and which was also attended by representatives of the Ukrainian people in lands Toledo. "Absolutisms of all kinds only bring concentration camps, wars and destruction," said the Archbishop of Toledo, Francisco Cerro, who added that "only with peace nothing is lost, but with war everything is lost."

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The appointment was at six in the afternoon at a vigil inside the synagogue of Santa María la Blanca, presided over by the image of the Virgin of Fátima and officiated by the archbishop.

Large influx of people, arriving not only from the capital but from other parts of the province, which almost filled the wide nave of the synagogue. Some of the readings were carried out by Ukrainians and one of them in a message from his community thanked the great solidarity and support they are receiving, but pessimistically predicted that Russia's occupation ambitions will not remain in Ukraine and will spread to other countries due to to the personality of a director like Putin, whom he equated with Nazism and Hitler.

The archbishop's intervention was directed in his message towards peace and freedom, the only way not to lose everything that wars take away. He made no distinction between the absolutist regimes of one ideological sign or another, since "they bring concentration camps, I don't care about Auschwitz or the Gulag archipelago, and they bring wars and destruction." "If you want life, you have to have peace," he said.

Once the vigil was over, a candlelight procession took place with all the attendees to the parish of Santo Tomé, carried out from the synagogue along Calle del Ángel.

It must be remembered that for days, Caritas has enabled an account number to channel material aid. This has been done since, for the moment, it does not seem prudent to make other types of collections or shipments with the available means, and the archbishop invites a collaborator through this "safe and effective way". The account number for this purpose is the following: ES31 2100 5731 7502 0026 6218.