Balcells sees the protest of a nurse for the requirement of the C1 of Catalan "simply an incident"

The Minister of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Manel Balcells, has considered that the Tiktok of one will include that he complained about having to take the C1 of Catalan to do oppositions in the community is "simply an incident" and that the vast majority of health workers in Catalan centers act with professionalism and rigor.

"It is an unfortunate incident that it occurred, it is simply an incident," he confirmed in the Parliament of Catalonia, during the control session of this youth, since the deputy of the PP Lorena Roldán accused him of pointing out to the nurse, of Andalusian origin, on social networks and to announce the opening of a file to the nurse.

Balcells has defended that "from a health point of view" patients must be able to be cared for in their language, be it Spanish or Catalan, so it is necessary for health workers to have knowledge of Catalan, as established by the regulations in Catalonia, so what is required is the knowledge of the languages, not their use.

"In this Constitution that they defend so much, Catalan is a co-official language," the Health Minister replied to Roldán, who has not said anything about the posters and communications from the health centers that are, practically all, only in catalan The PP deputy, for her part, has admitted that she did not like the words of the nurse when referring to Catalan either.

In addition, the counselor has recorded that, in the Tiktok video, he confirms her appearance without a mask in a hospital and wearing the gown with the institutional logo of the center: "This alone is already very unfortunate and the company must take the measures that are required, regardless of content. Balcells has not made reference to the videos starring the independentistas during the peak of the 'trial'.