Latest news from Spain today Tuesday, February 1

Being informed about the latest news today is essential to know the world around us. But, if you don't have too much time, ABC makes available to those readers who want it, the best summary of Tuesday, February 1 right here:

A convicted of corruption in Vigo asks for pardon for his militancy in the PSOE and the UGT

It will be a predictable plot twist in what is known as the "sister-in-law case." The main convict for the plug in a municipal concessionaire of the Vigo City Council of the sister-in-law of Carmela Silva, president of the Galician PSOE and the Pontevedra Provincial Council, has requested a partial pardon of the sentence of five years and three months in prison that was upheld by the Supreme Court. Francisco Javier Gutiérrez Orúe, former head of service of the consistory led by Abel Caballero, struggles between the reasons for being granted the measure of grace that "he has an impeccable previous career, as a public worker, in addition to being aware of social rights and workers since their affiliation to the UGT union and the PSOE».

End of uncontrolled casualties: from today Madrid will check pharmacy positives before giving them

The Community of Madrid will check the pharmacy tests that are communicated with a Covid-19 test, when this requires temporary disability. The measure ends a de facto situation in which it was enough to communicate the positive to the Covid service telephone number and request the withdrawal so that it could begin to be processed, automatically for seven days and with the simultaneous discharge and discharge procedure.

The Provincial Court will open the way to investigate Aguirre by the Puerta de Hierro Hospital

The Third Section of the Provincial Court of Madrid also sees no reason to charge former regional president Esperanza Aguirre for managing the beds at the Puerta de Hierro Hospital, a request requested by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and which was denied by the instructor in the case. , Monica Aguirre. Consider, as a sentence, that a person cannot be cited only because of the position of responsibility that he or she held.

The lawyer who abused two minors in Ciudad Real is sentenced by the Supreme Court to 17 years in prison

Almost six years ago, two adolescents from Ciudad Real, today still minors, had their lives changed forever. The young women, who were 11 and 12 years old when they met Pedro Julio Merino Cejudo in 2016, will never forget the name or the face of this "gentleman".

A study confirms that oral rinses inhibit the transmission of the coronavirus

A scientific study makes it possible to visualize for the first time the bursting of the SARS-CoV-2 virus membrane when it comes into contact with Cetylpyridinium Chloride (CPC), a chemical compound present in some mouthwashes. The work, carried out by the Research Center of the University of Valencia and by DENTAID, has been published in the Journal of Oral Microbiology.

Behind the riddle: How did these human bones get into the lava blocks?

Lava blocks with embedded human beings, it is a secret that will reveal years and that is one of the elements that will be found in the necropolis of La Cucaracha in Villa de Mazo (La Palma) in one of the most curious of the island.