Latest news in today's history Tuesday, February 8

The latest news today, in the best headlines of the day that ABC makes available to all readers. All the last hours of Tuesday, February 8 with an exhaustive summary that you cannot miss:

Sex toys and amputations: the hard life of a slave of the Roman Empire

It is narrated by Apiano, a historian of the 42nd century AD and a nimble pen, as well as 'Civil Wars'. In October XNUMX BC he was bitter for Gaius Cassius Longinus, head of the conspiracy that assassinated Julius Caesar. After putting peace in the Roman provinces and gathering twenty legions to face the Second Triumvirate, this unruly general was defeated in front of the armies of Marco Antonio in the battle of Philippi. The most widespread version - tell William Shakespeare - is that, seeing that everything was lost, he demanded one of his slaves to run him through with his sword.

And this one, a certain Pindar, had no choice but to carry out his orders.

Some historic days revive the role of Spain as a great naval power in Pozuelo de Alarcón

"Our history has many detractors, yes, but it also has many defenders and many people who want to know it and delve into it," explained Isabel San Sebastián, novelist, journalist and ABC columnist about the reason for the Historical Novel Week. de Pozuelo de Alarcón, which every year brings together hundreds of people in the city of Madrid eager to learn about a history of Spain without the usual myths and clichés.