Imanol Arias stars in 'Death of a traveler' at the Liceo de Salamanca

The Liceo Theater of Salamanca kicked off at the end of the week with a double performance, which will premiere and repeat from May 14 to 21, based on the play 'Death of a Salesman'. Starring Imanol Arias, it is based on the novel by Arthur Miller and adapted by Natalio Grueso.

According to the information provided by the City Council of Salamanca, only tickets with reduced visibility are permanently on sale for a play directed by Rubén Szuchmacher and which also includes the performers Jon Arias, Jorge Basanta, Fran Calvo, Cristina de Inza, Virginia Flores and Carlos Serrano-Clark.

The plot tells of Willy Loman, a business traveler who has given "all his effort and his professional career to the company he works for".

His sole objective is to give a better life to his family, his wife and his two children, who adore him and to whom he wants to "instill in them the ambition to succeed and progress in the social ladder."

However, the "tireless" worker, now 63 years old, exhausted and exhausted after a life without rest, sees how his position in the company is faltering, advance from the organization.

His sales are no longer what they used to be and his productivity plummets, which causes the relationship with his bosses to become unsustainable. Their marriage "isn't going well either," and their relationship with their children "hides an old secret that fills them with resentment and threatens to destroy family stability."