García-Gallardo insists on sitting down with the PP "to negotiate everything"

Five days before the Cortes de Castilla y León are constituted, everything is still open and the one chosen to be the president of the Chamber is today, an unknown. The Popular Party announces its intention to host a second round of negotiations with Vox and Soria ¡Ya! there to convene a new meeting "on Monday at the latest", according to one of the negotiators of the popular team, Carlos Fernández Carriedo. However, yesterday there had been no public call yet, something else is the private ones or the telephone calls, it tends to pave the way.

The truth is that one of the leading parties, Vox, with those thirteen prosecutors that the PP is guaranteed a sufficient parliamentary majority, has not moved an iota from its initial planning. Thus, faced with the desire of the popular candidate, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, to start the talks trying to agree on a program before moving on to the distribution of positions, the Vox candidate, Juan García-Gallardo, told ABC yesterday that “we continue to make very clear lines of negotiation.

And those are none other than "outstretched hand to the PP to be able to sit down to negotiate, but to negotiate everything, not only the program, but also the composition of the Table of the Courts and of a possible Government." García-Gallardo acknowledges that "we still have a great distance from the PP, but we trust that they understand that we are going to continue with our line."

Yes, the Vox candidate stood firm against the popular ones in that "we do not want more or less than what other parliamentary groups had in similar circumstances (for Cs) and we are going to defend it in a negotiation until the end." García Gallardo and the other twelve elected attorneys that Vox obtained in the 13F elections presented their credentials as parliamentarians yesterday in the Autonomous Courts in an environment that he himself described as “enthusiasm”.