Ángel Expósito: Body to the ground


Pío Cabanillas Gallas left saying: "Body to the ground, ours are coming", in reference to the disaster during the decomposition of UCD. It is not to make comparisons, but be careful!

They say that Adenauer said: "In life there are three types of enemies: plain enemies, deadly enemies and fellow party members." Confirmed.

And last night on 'La lantern', José, a listener, left the following message: «That God protects us from the enemy's artillery, because not even God saves us from ours». You have to be clumsy.

Any of the three serves to illustrate the shameful spectacle that premiered this week with the main headquarters of the PP as the main stage and with side dishes in Puerta del Sol and

in Cibeles.

I wonder intrigued: what can mess badly with such Carromero involved?

What things are (from the enemy, the council), Otegui was right: you have to get two more years from Sánchez in La Moncloa so that he can follow another four. What the ETA members, the coup plotters and the Chavistas could not imagine is that it would be so easy for them. It is already known: 'When the enemy makes a mistake, it is best not to distract him'.

And, yes, in the meantime… the Police investigating the husband of the director of the Civil Guard, accused Ada Colau, Mónica Oltra and her friends covering up scandals, a 'bilateral' meeting between the Government and the Generalitat, Marlaska releasing prisoners, the prisoners Spitting on the victims, gasoline and diesel in record… and those of the PP gouging out their eyes.

The debt and the deficit disappeared, the European funds that do not arrive (except for the friends), inflation at more than 6 percent, the self-employed trembling before the umpteenth increase in taxes, the countryside praying for rain, and in the PP eating the livers raw. And in public. You can't handle a problem worse. Or maybe it can be done worse. And if not… let's wait until next week.

PS This is from Churchill: “The worst enemies don't sit on the opposite bench (for Labour). The worst are those who sit behind (their own)”.