They ask to withdraw from the law of artistic education for "unfair": "Some students will have to do the Selectividad and others not"

The Conference of Deans and Deans of the Faculties of Fine Arts has put the grace in the sky against the new law of artistic education of the Minister of Education, Pilar Alegría. They denounce that the norm, approved in the first round on February 21 in the Council of Ministers, equates higher artistic education to university ones, something that the president of the conference, Alfonso Ruiz, considered "unfair" and "intolerable", according to he stated in conversation with ABC. The problem of this comparison comes from afar: the 'Celaá law'. This norm approved in 2020 already warned that higher artistic education, such as Dramatic Art; Music or Dance, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets; Plastic arts; Design... will be equivalent to "for all purposes" to the university degree. The sentence "for all purposes" is the one that stings the deans because considering that it is misleading since in practice they are not the same. In other words, universities have to meet tougher requirements for these courses than those taught in non-university centers. "Beastly differences" "The differences between what is required of university studies with respect to the upper classes are beastly," says Ruiz. For example? In the student access profile, those of the faculties come from taking the Selectividad while those of higher education, from their own entrance test; The faculties have to have professors with a level of accreditation and very high demand such as the need to have a doctorate, among other requirements, while those who teach higher education can be workshop teachers without a degree, lists Ruiz. Related News standard Yes Artistic education students will have the same scholarships as university students Josefina G. Stegmann standard Yes Primary teachers will train the same hours in affective-sexual diversity as in Mathematics Josefina G. Stegmann The most unusual thing for the president of the deans of Fine Arts is the accreditation for their titles: "When we verify a degree we have ten 'conditions': general justification, social need, teacher's curriculum, qualification guarantee system, plan of studies... They only need to present the study plan and they do it through Aneca, which is the state agency that accredits within the framework of the university system”. "We go into a rage" In short, the deans ask for the same scales. They do not want the higher teachings to disappear or not to be integrated because, in fact, in practice they "already are". They are upset by the dialogue that was taken from them: “José Manuel Pingarrón, for Universities, and José Manuel Bar, for Education, told us that we would mark the red lines in the law and called on us to dialogue. In the next appointment, enter a document with two red lines and the next news we received was the draft in the Council of Ministers.