Pablo Iglesias accuses the right of being "articulated a coup" from Madrid


Updated at 7:32 pm

The former Vice President of the Government of Spain and also former Secretary General of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, criticized this Saturday, in an act in Palma, the "madriñelización of the right" and warned that "from Madrid they are articulating a coup d'état".

Pablo Iglesias has made this statement in an act of support for the candidates of United We Can for the presidency of the Balearic Government, the Mallorca Council and the Palma City Council, Antònia Jover, Iván Sevillano and Lucía Muñoz respectively, where he explained how "the right in Madrid He discovered that the key to restoring and maintaining his power was to crush Podemos”.

"All day they have ETA in their mouths," says Iglesias

In this sense, he has warned that the reason why "they have an ETA in their mouths all day is not because they are crazy, but rather it responds to a very precise strategy that they have been establishing in recent years in their work laboratory, which is Madrid, because that is precisely where its main assets are, not only political, but also media, judicial and economic, to cement the maintenance of an ultra-reactionary power”.

And, Iglesias has continued, "its plantation with respect to the rest of the State is very similar." That is why, as he has reviewed, "Bildu and the Catalan independentistas care so much", because they are "an excuse" that shows that they have discovered that Podemos is "a double articulated, an articulator of institutional power of the alternative State to the that existed in the political system of 78”. "The emergence of Podemos is a permanent reminder that Spain is not Madrid," he stressed.

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