"I don't care if you can't name it!"

There are 13 numbers that cannot be quoted in any Mediaset program, as established by the ethical code that will govern from now on Cuatro and Telecinco. Under penalty of sanction or even dismissal, neither the commentators nor the presenters nor anyone who appeared on the air can name, among others, Kiko Rivera. Not even casually.

For Belén Esteban, the threat to stop collaborating in Sálvame does not seem enough. This has been demonstrated in the program, where not even Jorge Javier could restrain her when they were talking about the situation of Anabel Pantoja (Kiko's cousin) and the commentator clearly mentioned her name.

"Why don't we talk about how 'Pinocchio' won over Kiko Rivera?" Said the "people's princess", in relation to the alleged secret son that Bernardo Pantoja had and who insists on speaking now.

Faced with this sentence, Jorge Javier immediately corrected it: "To Isa Pi's brother", but the collaborator raised her voice and with notable anger, insisted. "I've finished now? Kiko Rivera, not brother of Isa Pi. He does not matter to me that he cannot be named ”, she said.

Although from Telecinco they have ignored that moment, the networks have not done so:

Belen Esteban naming Kiko Rivera banned by mediaset without realizing it! Hahahahaha because they said a lot! #yoveosaveme pic.twitter.com/IS4TB53ON6

– Mayco Quirós (@maycoquiros) March 14, 2023

Esteban has defended his friend Anabel very vehemently, as always. “When Bernardo got the elevator, my fat lady (Anabel Pantoja) paid for it; when four women had to be put in to take care of him, my fat lady paid for it… Pinocchio has appeared when his father has disappeared, ”she said, furious.

Will it have consequences?

Although at the moment there have been no reactions, despite the fact that in Sálvame (and other spaces) the new limits have been broken several times, this defiant attitude of Belén Esteban can cost her a punishment. Among other measures, they can leave her without going to various programs, which also means less money to collect.

It is not the first time that Belén Esteban breaks the ethical code that has just entered into force. Just days after she officially kicked off, she ditched the Save Me plate. At that time he only received a reprimand, but it is not ruled out that his rebellion entails a more serious punishment.