ORDER HAP/129/2023, of February 14, which modifies the

The Legal Consultant


The approval, by Agreement of the Government of Aragon of May 18, 2022, of the creation of the Foundation for the support of the autonomy and capacities of the people of Aragon, composition of its Board of Trustees and Statutes, comes to materialize a change of orientation in the action guidelines of the current Commission for the Protection and Judicial Defense of Adults to adjust them to what is required by the latest legal changes, and delegates that of this material competence of the Instituto Aragons de Ejercicio Sociales in the new entity of the public sector of Aragon.

Consequently, in accordance with the provisions of the ninth additional provision of the Law for the Organization of the Public Function of the Autonomous Community of Aragon, at the request of the Aragons Institute of Social Services, the Department of Finance and Public Administration has approved a Plan of Employment through Order HAP/80/2023, of February 1, published in the Official Gazette of Aragon, number 26, of February 8.

Point three c) of the Order proceeds to the resignation of the staff, assigning the new positions definitively to the civil servants affected by the Employment Plan, either directly, or by giving the right to choose between certain jobs that are They will be assigned by applying the scale established for the provision of positions by merit competition established by Order HAP/706/2021, of June 7.

In the fifth point of the Order of the city, the allocation in the merit contest is determined in term, determining that the personal function assigned by this Work Plan that would have registered a request for participation in the open and permanent merit contest for the offer of positions carried out by Resolution of October 6, 2022, of the General Director of the Public Function and Quality of Services, you may modify your application exclusively to eliminate positions from it, and you must submit a letter addressed to the General Directorate of the Public Function and Quality of Services within a period of five days, counted from the day following the publication of the Plan, communicating the positions that they wish to eliminate from the registered application.

Taking into account that the effects of the incorporation in the new assigned destinations are from March 1, 2023, it was considered appropriate to modify the start date of the calculation of the period given for the modification of your application to participate in the open merits contest and permanent, eliminating positions from the registered application, beginning said period of five business days the day after taking office in the assigned positions.

For the foregoing, in accordance with the provisions of the ninth additional provision of the Law on the Organization of the Public Function of the Autonomous Community of Aragon, the Minister of Finance and Public Administration resolves to modify Order HAP/80/2023, of 1 February, for the application of the Employment Plan motivated by the creation of the Foundation to support the autonomy and capacities of the people of Aragn, in its fifth point, in the following terms: LE0000747234_20230209Go to Affected Norm

For the purposes of modifying the application for participation in the open and permanent merit contest exclusively to eliminate positions from it, they must submit a letter addressed to the General Directorate of Public Function and Quality of Services within five days, counted from the day after taking office, that is, from March 2 to 9, 2023 inclusive, communicating the positions that they wish to eliminate from the registered application.