IU-Podemos Toledo denounces that the Government team has been transferred to the group of Social Services auxiliaries

The Municipal Group Izquierda Unida-Podemos of the Toledo City Council has denounced and asked to include the local government of the PSOE for dismissing half of the administrative assistants (two out of four) who work in the municipal Social Services.

This has been explained by its announcer, Txema Fernández, indicating that three archive and library assistants who were providing their services in municipal libraries have also been dismissed, as reported by the training in a press release.

Fernández has pointed out that until December 31, 2021, the municipal social centers had a staff of 4 administrative assistants who process administrative procedures for social care or municipal financial aid for families in social situations of vulnerability, among other things. .

“Since January 1, 2022, there are only two administrative support assistants left in the municipal social centers negatively affected by this service, which is a task facilitator for the neighbors who need it most. The staff has been reduced by half and the remaining has seen its tasks multiplied by two”, he assured.

Since before the dismissal of this social workforce, he has pointed out that the left-wing formation demanded that it not occur. "It seems good to us to include 2 places in the definitive municipal Job List, providing them with greater job stability, but it is necessary to include another two, at least, to guarantee the effective public provision of this service," he added.

For this reason, he has said that he does not understand or share this decision to get rid of this staff that can generate unfair situations for the most vulnerable men and women from Toledo. “Now it is more understandable why the PSOE leaves 30 percent of the total Social Services budget unspent or because it only increases its budget by 1,78 percent for 2022,” he has sentenced.

Cessation of file and library assistants

In the same way, he has criticized the decision of the local government team to dismiss three archive and library assistants who were providing their services in the municipal libraries with the excuse that other colleagues have consolidated their positions as municipal staff.

“If there were three assistants working and other colleagues have consolidated the position, it is not necessary to do without anyone and thus the Plenary Agreement of March 2021 to open the municipal public libraries in the morning hours could be fulfilled, which is still not effective. », he asserted.

The effectiveness of the provision of municipal public services, according to Fernandez, goes through maintaining municipal templates that guarantee it and not continuing with the dalliances of privatizing services that allow companies to continue managing the powers that the administration must manage.

“It is more transparent, more efficient, cheaper and closer to the neighbors. I hope that the announcement made by the Councilor for Education and Culture, Teodoro García, is not for this library to be managed voluntarily by the residents belonging to the associations”, he stated.

Finally, it was confirmed that the local government is still not fulfilling its obligation in four municipal public libraries to open in the morning without assigning any municipal staff to these centers.

"We hope that they are managed with professionals and not volunteers or employment plan staff who invent a non-existent category in the municipal Job List", he concluded.