Vicente Ordaz: In September more wood

vincent ordaz


Updated at 21:22

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Another long, tedious and intense course is coming to an end, since the pandemic appeared in our lives, without a doubt the worst of the trilogy, the virus gives a break but it is not gone. Today Wuhan, that's where it all started, it has confined millions of people again, our life is like this now. Thoughts that we had seen it all with the damn COVID19 until Putin decided to invade Ukraine. From there and in a cascade, inflation, skyrocketing energy and even the risk of gas cuts in the middle of winter, not to mention sunflower oil, which now seems to be mandatory consumption in all Valencian homes.

Pulling more to the Valencian Community, the thing has not fallen short. The 21-22 season has seen Anil Murthy as president of Valencia, something that does not change anything as long as Lim continues as owner. He has also sent Levante to second, but above all 2022 is marked because he has taken Mónica Oltra ahead as vice president of the Valencian government. If in September, that is when the year really begins and not on January 1, we had bet on any of these possibilities in a Las Vegas casino, we would have accepted the bet immediately, and with a thousand loves.

Image from the archive of Ximo Puig and Carlos Mazón

Image from the archive of Ximo Puig and Carlos Mazón JUAN CARLOS SOLER

We close the course matching the times we live in. To all the previous events we could not add a normal summer. After the rainiest spring in memory, now you find yourself with a sing in your teeth if the thermometer in your town shows 30 degrees. Still because we are in an oasis. Despite everything described, it is still a chimera to get a table for dinner or a hotel accommodation that does not have the full sign. After three years of horror and confinement people don't seem to care what they say September is coming, recession and scarcity, he has decided to enjoy the moment and the rest will be seen

The course ends on 21-22 and in a month on 22-23, which will add municipal and regional elections to all of the above. Those who understand demoscopy say that with a guarantee of change of cycle, but with what we have in our backpack for these three years, I will believe it when I see it, because although Carlos Mazón is putting on the face of a president, Ximo Puig continues to look then the office of Molt Honorable. The battle on your screens since September 1, what a year to come…..

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