This Wednesday opens the deadline to reserve the urban summer camp in Toledo

The Councilor for Education and Childhood of the Toledo City Council, Teo García, presented this Tuesday a new edition of the municipal Urban Camp, which will be held this summer under the motto "Long live science!" and that will take place, in three shifts, from July 1 to August 12, with 450 seats available.

As detailed by the mayor, the camp is aimed at boys and girls from the city of Toledo between 3 and 12 years of age and interested families may request one of the three shifts available today, as reported by the Consistory of the regional capital in a press release.

The first shift will take place from July 1 to 15 at the CEIP 'Alfonso VI' with 50 places from 3 to 5 years old and 110 from 6 to 12 years old.

The second will be held in the same space from July 18 to 29 with the same number of seats and the third will take place at the CEIP 'Gómez Manrique' in the Polígono neighborhood with 40 seats for ages 3 to 5 and 90 for ages 6 to 12. years.

Among the requirements, it is necessary to be registered in the city and you can only reserve a fortnight. The period for applications will open from April 27 to May 13 and registrations may be processed electronically by means of an electronic certificate or in person.

As the mayor has highlighted, "we have 24 editions and, without a doubt, this camp is a resource of our city that has been revealed as a good practice and that must be highlighted in terms of inclusion and socio-educational integration". The proposal returns after the pandemic and reveals, as García has highlighted, a breakfast, lunch and adapted transport service in case you do not have your own.

As for the activities, these had sports, leisure activities, workshops, excursions and a swimming pool, all "depending on the socio-sanitary measures in force at the time". The price remains at 40 euros per fortnight and the amount of the tender for this service amounts to 60.000 euros. On June 3, the City Council will publish the list of those admitted to participate in this camp that constitutes, in the mayor's opinion, "a good proposal to support conciliation and sports practice and that allows families options according to their interests and needs. reverts to greater attention to children, which is an essential axis for our mayor and government team”.