Reguilón's album is now official

While the good Atlético de Madrid welcomed it, part of its fans dedicated an energetic rejection. They did not want the ex-Madrid player from rojiblanco, they had made it clear in every possible way (although it was not necessary), but the club has continued to do its thing, ignoring its people and their convictions for one more day. Sergio Reguilón, 25 years old, a white heart with every right, arrives at the Metropolitan on loan from Tottenham until the end of the season. You are now official.

Reguilón is like that to Morata, Marcos Llorente and Mario Hermoso, the crowded litter of Madridistas who are part of the current red and white squad. The madridista is once again the most represented quarry on the squad, even though he seems like a contradiction. Only two players survive from the athletic academy: Koke and Saúl.

Diego Pablo Simeone, the coach, already made his intentions clear last Sunday when he not only defended the signing but also tried to discredit the mattress fans who discussed him because of his white origin. He arrived at the press room with a memorized list of ex-Madridistas who have played for Atlético (Juanfran, Filipe, Morata, Llorente...) to relativize the complaints and, somehow, remind the critics that, like other times, they already change of mind As soon as they sing a goal.

Fernando Torres, a reference for Atlético when he was Atlético, used to say, “that you can evolve, but that you have to maintain the essence; because otherwise there will come a time when the fans will be defending a team that does not represent them”. That one backed down, Atlético has already started it.

Reguilón arrives as a replacement for the departure of Lodi, who went on loan to Nottingham Forest, since he did not count for much for Simeone. Saul, Carrasco and Reinildo, depending on the drawing, were ahead. What they do not abound on the other hand are lateral rights, after the goodbye of Wass. Only Nehuel and taking him out of his place, Llorente.

The same welcome message with which the club announced the arrival of the player on networks instantly filled with signs of rejection by the Atléticos themselves. Then they showed other sequences of the player passing the medical examination and signing his contract with Miguel Ángel Gil Marín, the (undue) owner of the club. “Happy and very excited about this new challenge. Let's go," the player wrote in his account, who, as the institution itself acknowledges in the statement, arrives injured: "The player underwent surgery last week for pubalgia and will continue to carry out the rehabilitation and functional readaptation process with the medical services of our club."

It's Atlético, now they can't hear it.