collaborators will be able to leave the plate

The collaborators of 'Sálvame' will be able to leave the set of the Telecinco program without prior notice or just cause, as confirmed by ABC. This restitution, agreed between the management of 'Sálvame' and Mediaset España, will take place since the collaborator Belén Esteban will leave the set this week.

The format presented by Jorge Javier Vázquez and produced by La fábrica de la tele was in the spotlight after the departure of Paolo Vasile as CEO of Mediaset España and the updating of the communication group's Code of Ethics: political comments cannot be made In the maintenance spaces, no criticism of our colleagues and producers of locks and no abandonment of the plate without prior notice or justified cause.

The consequence, even if the role is sober in other words, could be dismissal.

And in 'Save me', until a few weeks ago, all this happened. J orge Javier Vázquez showed his sympathy towards Pedro Sánchez, Cristina Porta got into an argument with Marta Riesco (reporter for 'Fiesta') and Paz Padilla left the studios, never to return, after an argument with Belén Esteban. Pure 'Sálvame', which, since its premiere in 2009, left the plate every time one of his collaborators left it. There was always a camera behind them. Thus, the public walked through the Mediaset España facilities without having to get up from their sofa.

However, with the appointment of Alessandro Salem as chief executive of Mediaset España (and Borja Prado as president with greater editorial control), changes are already taking place in the communication group. One of them was the veto of 13 characters such as Rocío Carrasco, José Ortega Cano and Kiko Rivera, inhabitants of the scale of 'Sálvame', but also in other spaces such as 'El programa de Ana Rosa' and 'Fiesta', produced by Unicorn Content, where relatives of the banned celebrities collaborate. The same situation as that of 'Survivientes', whose new edition, which opens this Thursday, presents contestants such as Gema Aldón, daughter of Ana María Aldón, ex-wife of Ortega Cano. Mother and daughter can't talk about the former bullfighter; nor of his children, like Gloria Camila, with whom Gema Aldón has starred in multiple confrontations.

This indication was already noted last week in the contents of all these programs. In 'Sálvame', for example, they dedicated a large part of its duration to Javier Rigau, Gina Lollobrigida's widower. This week, the protagonists are Canales being Rivera and Miguel Frigenti. The constriction of presenters and collaborators was evident. However, last Wednesday, Belén Esteban expressed opinions that could be considered political (she complained about low pensions and showed her support for public health) and, almost at the end of that day's program, she left the set after a colleague, Rafa Mora, will talk about his daughter. After her, it was hers. And behind him, the presenter, Adela González, who wanted them both to return in front of the cameras. Pure 'Sálvame', whose idiosyncrasy clashes with the new airs of Mediaset España, closer to those of Atresmedia in terms of whiter content. Less 'Save me' and more contests.

After the latest events, Mediaset España has softened one of the points of the addition of the Code of Ethics so that in 'Save me', the collaborators will have the option of leaving the set when an uncomfortable situation occurs such as a discussion or a subject of the that they don't want to hear. Because the set of 'Save me' goes beyond the four walls of his studio. Because 'Save me', more than a gossip story space, is an unpredictable 'reality' with its plots and its characters, who get angry.

The presenters will not be able to leave the set, as happened a year ago with Paz Padilla (fired and reinstated), to whom the Code of Ethics is responsible for ensuring that no type of reportable situation occurs on the set. Therefore, if Jorge Javier Vázquez left the 'Save me' set without prior notice or just cause (there are occasions when he moves to other facilities, such as the guest rooms), there will be reprisals.