Tanxugueiras and the theatrical version of 'Champions' will be in Cuenca this spring

The 'José Luis Perales' auditorium theater in Cuenca presented its spring program this Wednesday, in which the Galician group Tanxugueiras or the theatrical version of the film 'Campeones' stand out, as well as classical music, dance and circus.

The first performance will be on Saturday, April 30, at 19:00 p.m., with a performance of the theatrical film 'Campeones de la comedia', an adaptation of Javier Fesser's fast-paced film. On May 5 it will be the turn of the Gerhard quartet, with music by Mozart; on May 6, Blanca Portillo will star in the play 'Silencio'; on May 7, a circus afternoon with the show 'Express' DE Cía-Faltan 7′; and on May 12, a night of dance by the José Huertas flamenco ballet and the show 'Don Quijote'.

On May 19, theater again with 'La piel en llamas', by Juanma Cifuentes; on May 21, the musical 'Romeo and Juliet'; on May 28, the children's show 'Let's see!', by Ambulantes Danza; on June 4, another circus session with aSaltos Circo; on June 8, dance night with 'La muerte y la donnella', from the Institut Valencià de Cultura; on June 9, 'Luces de Bohemia', the theatrical version by Elena María Sánchez; and on June 18, another night of theater with 'Isla', by D'Click Circo.

Before, on June 11, the group Tanxugueiras, finalist of the Benidorm Fest, will arrive in Cuenca with their Midas show. The appointment will be at 20:30 p.m. and tickets can now be purchased through the Auditorium website: general admission costs 22 euros and reduced 18 euros.

On the other hand, the Fundación de Cultura Ciudad de Cuenca has co-organized another twenty activities together with educational centers, the dance school and other entities. "We are making an important effort because we know that they have also had a bad time in these circumstances and both last year and this year we are supporting them more vigorously than other years," said Nelia Valverde, director of the Cuenca Auditorium.