Liz Truss's prescient tweet heralded the abrupt end of her term: "I tend to get tired..."

The premature resignation of Liz Truss as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after only 45 days in office has focused the international news this Thursday, with the always amusing contribution of social networks as an alternative to the information of the god reading.

Special merit in this section deserves Twitter, where there are true experts in generating memes about any event or in rescuing old tweets that, over time, take on a completely different meaning.

It is the case of this message that the former minister published in 2019 and that seems to predict that one day she will have the "honor" of being the person who has lasted the shortest time in office.

"My only problem is that I tend to get bored after a few weeks..." Truss wrote, in a conversation with another person - who has deleted his tweets - in which they seemed to be talking about exchanging everyday tricks.

My only problem is that I tend to get bored after a few weeks and I can't keep it alive...

— Liz Truss (@trussliz) February 16, 2019

But that "I get bored after a few weeks" has been, logically, reinterpreted, after at 14:30 p.m., Spanish time, this Thursday, he announced his goodbye to 10 Downing Street.

Around the figure of Truss there have been many jokes on social networks, but the one that takes the cake is the tabloid 'Daily Star', which wondered a week ago if a lettuce would manage not to rot before the Prime Minister's broadcast. And the vegetable won.

A book about his arrival at Downing Street that will see the light… in December

'Out of the blue' (which in Spanish could could as 'From nothing') is the book that goes on sale next December 8 and chronicles the rise of British politics to the top of the United Kingdom. A book that, for whatever reason, when it reaches bookstores for the Christmas campaign, will have been a bit outdated.