Latest news from Spain today Thursday, March 24

If you want to be up to date with all the latest news hours today, ABC makes available to readers a summary with the essential headlines for Thursday, March 24 that you cannot miss, such as these:

Morocco and Spain reopen their borders in a "controlled" manner

"We were not expecting you, minister." This phrase was repeated more frequently in the Foreign Affairs Committee that you will read for the first time this afternoon in the Congress of Deputies. José Manuel Albares held his own against the outrage of all the parliamentary spokesmen –both from the government partners and from the opposition– after his first speech, which appeared for 23 minutes and in which he boasted of having put “end to the crisis with Morocco » thanks to its discreet diplomacy


Sacyl is convicted of removing a bone from a surgeon without permission at the same hospital where she worked

The Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Castilla y León (TSJCyL), by means of a ruling of January 26, processed by the Legal Services of the Association 'The Patient Ombudsman', condemns the Ministry of Health of Castilla y León León has compensated the woman with initials CRR with 50.000 euros, estimating that there was malpractice in the health care that was provided to her on the occasion of a surgical intervention at the University Hospital of Burgos (HUBU) on July 14, 2017, when I was 60 years old.

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Rajoy defended "a political solution of consensus and mutual acceptance" in the Sahara, but not Morocco's autonomy plan

The former Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy held two high-level meetings with Morocco during his mandate, in 2012 and 2015, and the Sahara issue appears in the joint declarations of both. There he defends a political solution of consensus and acceptable conditions for the former Spanish colony, but he does not express support for the Moroccan autonomy plan, as the Foreign Minister assures.

A high-ranking official denies Mónica Oltra and denies before the judge that she was ordered to investigate the abuse of her ex-husband

A senior official of the Department of Equality and Inclusive Policies of the Generalitat Valenciana denied this Wednesday before the judge the version that the head of this department, Mónica Oltra, has given in recent months about the management she made of the case of abuses to a minor protected by her then husband.

PP and Vox collide with the vice presidency and delay the investiture of Mañueco

The clock is ticking and there is still no date for the celebration of the investiture plenary session of Alfonso Fernández Mañueco as president of the Junta de Castilla y León. The reason is none other than the closure of the organizational chart of the regional government between the two partners, PP and Vox, which has run aground in the figure of the vice president, since those of Abascal will assume the person of Juan García-Gallardo, who was a candidate to the Presidency in the regional elections of 13-F.

A pioneering sentence declared the right of a domestic worker to contribute for unemployment

A Vigo court has issued a pioneering sentence in which it declares the right of a woman to contribute, as a domestic worker, for unemployment. The resolution, of the Contentious-Administrative Court number 2 of Vigo, is applied in this case to a doctrine of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) that is established, in a sentence of last February 24 and after Prejudicial questions planted by the Vigo court, that the Spanish legislation that excludes domestic workers from unemployment services is contrary to EU law.