Jon Juaristi: Confusions


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  • answerable
  • Gulliver

Has anyone talked about Shakespeare? Yes, Antonio Lucas, in 'El Mundo' on Friday. I also thought, at first, that there was something to that. Of Iago inducing the Moor to uxoricide, because of that "accursed jealousy clouded his eyes", but this has nothing to do with Shakespeare. Not even with the couplet of Oliva and Mostazo. Much more with Ibáñez, Francisco, the Bruguera School (not to be confused with Paco Ibáñez). It's not about Othello, but about Otilio. O mar, by Pepe Gotera and Otilio, fudges at home. With his touch espiorro municipal Mortadelo and Filemón. And another at 13 Rue del Percebe, read Genoa.

The two of them, Pepe Gotera and Otilio, come from making the quince for

the terrible Castilian steppa, and they have not remembered the Cid or the bad mestureros who accused him before King Alfonso VI of taking commissions from the Taifa tributes, or how the matter ended despite the hero's exile. Without envy, as is known, the Poema del Cid (nor the Genesis) would not have been written. They were not used to taking advantage of Mañueco's military campaign to read the original version of the Poem, that of Per Abbat transcribed by Don Ramón Menéndez Pidal, but they would not have been able to pocket an edition for schoolchildren. For example, that of Ricardo Baeza (Buenos Aires, Atlántida, 1952), which on the eighth page of its prologue perfectly summarizes the background of the issue: "Although a man of singular pritas, Don Alfonso, as a pampered and spoiled infant that he was, he was sensitive to flattery and likely to envy, a feeling the latter undoubtedly corroborated, in the particular case of the Cid, his invincibility on the battlefield and the opposite fate that, on the other hand, weapons often had to have. for Don Alfonso. By the way, King Alfonso, when he was an infant, was spoiled in Palencia, together with his teacher, Bishop Raimundo. In other words, what a double sin for Pepe Gotera, who doesn't even frequent those who could be his neighborhood classics.

Worse is Otilio, from the Segura orchard, who does not recognize envy in himself because he confuses it with endive. His own private and subordinate otilio, Otilio Casero, famous for repeatedly and telematically confusing the right with the left, has been commissioned by his boss to promote a desperate rescue operation for Pepe Gotera, who is drowning in so much accumulated filtration (so badly painted the matter, to top it off, from the Trujillo fair they have brought him a dressing). Confusion of confusions, as Joseph de Vega or Joseph Penso said about the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, mimicking Ecclesiastes.

As for the target to beat, call it Desdemona or Evil Jezebel, it is obvious that Otilio has punctured the bone. of olive. In the end, that the tragedies return as comedies and the chansons de geste as comics. What a sad example we are giving to the youth, with the things we have seen, friend Chéspir!