Everything you are not going to wear in 2023 and should be removed from your closet

skinny jeans

Look with skinny pantsLook with skinny pants – Instagram @menstyleoficial

We say it one more time and we will repeat it every year until they disappear: pants that look like sports tights, especially jeans, are not a trend, quite the opposite, and what is worse, they do not favor anyone. No, neither do you, no matter how hard you work your quadriceps in the gym. Also, the straw that breaks the camel's back is that they are usually worn jeans, with tears where they shouldn't be and with worn details typical of designs from another time. Get off this train now, it's never too late to do it.

Bow tie

look with bow tieLook with a bow tie – Pexels

Hipster accessory wherever they are since it became fashionable at weddings and communions along with suspenders, James Harden beards and razor haircuts. There are still those who insist on them, and they often seemed ridiculous when they were a trend? on the street, you can imagine now that they are a thing of the past. The bow tie, for the tuxedo. And even more now that the tie returns to pour with good ones even within the casual style.

tailored suits

Styling with fitted suitStyling with fitted suit – Pexels

It connects with the point dedicated to skinny jeans, but they are different browns, and they are still seen in excess, especially in spring, when weddings arrive. Let's see if 2023 is the year in which we stop seeing fitted suits, since they disappeared from trends in the renewed and rejuvenated tailoring sector some season ago. Baggy designers, and especially double-breasted blazers, are the pieces that set the tone today when it comes to suits, and not designers that stuff the body.

multicolored sneakers

Look with multicolored sneakersLook with multicolored sneakers – Instagram @menstyleoficial

We are entering swampy terrain because some nuances need to be clarified. In the field of sneakers, there are designs like the Air Max or the Jordan that never go out of style and that usually combine loud or flashy colors. This is sneakerhead territory. But the truth is that the sports sector is moving towards the embellishment of forms and, especially, towards a taste for elegant and balanced color combinations, not at all strident. It does so supported by a look to the past, to designs typical of the eighties and nineties that have been updated with the look of the creators of 2022. But if you want to wear sneakers that are a trend in 2023, opt for white-based models that combine all neutral or pastel and, above all, that its aesthetic is reminiscent of the sneakers your father wore at the end of the last century. Futuristic or highly explosive chunky and designer colors lose strength.

pinky socks

Bare-ankle stylingBare-ankle styling – Instagram @dariocarlucci

If we were already buying them, the popular brands wouldn't make them anymore, but we still go with our ankles bare in the middle of winter. There is no trend more ridiculous than this for an indisputable practical question, but it is not even possible to praise it from a purely aesthetic point of view. No to the pinkis in 2023. It is another ship that we must sink.


look with dungareesDungarees look – Pexels

It is the riskiest prize of all you can find in the men's wardrobe and it is not a resounding no in 2023. It can be worn, but it has a place on this list as a warning: with the dungarees there are no half measures. Either you are capable of taking advantage of it and then you will distinguish for yourself a style above the average of the men you rode or you will hit a bump of epic dimensions. Be very careful how you wear it in 2023 if you dare to


Tank topHandles – Pexels

Like bow ties, they are no longer a trend. At least not in sight. That is, you can take tires if you prefer them to the belt. Your grandfather wore them for this reason and you can't put a but on it. But he did not boast of excesses or resort to them as an aesthetic element. If you wear them in 2023, let it be for a practical matter and, finally, that they are seen as little as possible. You are not going to look modern for wearing tires at this point in history.