Corinna, from glamorous executive to court jester

The lady with the blonde hair and expensive bags who sold us the story that she was a successful businesswoman with tentacles in all the millionaire businesses in the world, the one who seemed to be preparing to be queen in a cabin in El Pardo, the one who told us that she was in love with the Bourbon emeritus and not with his power has turned out to be a 'Despechá', one of those who listen to Rosalía and who has more in common with Bárbara Rey, than she imagined. Even if one hunted elephants and the other tamed them. Because he is apparently willing to disguise himself as Ruiz Mateos did to get Boyer's attention. Corinna Larsen has become an avengers club turned court jester of sorts and has fashioned a camouflage costume and shawl inspired as well as knowledge as a lover of married men. Something that seems to stick out his chest, instead of being ashamed. If that is Corinna desperate because they do not take away what creates the loss, the 65 million euros that Don Juan Carlos gave away, donated or earned as a commission from the negotiations he closed. Depending on the day and the capacity, use one concept or another. But what we did not imagine is that Corinna would prefer to record a sweetened podcast as close as possible to a narrated Disney story, in which she only needed to ask the former triumphant Gisela for the soundtrack. To promote the trailer and present it, it vetoes the majority of Spanish correspondents in London and numerous British media. She chooses a modern place in the elegant MyFair area of ​​London and the reviewer of projects made by Pulitzer finalists, even if she gave away a perfume to seduce that she herself has made and that she sells as infallible. And that in the trailer recognizes that it was the fifth in question for the emeritus. Flowers and letters every day is an appetizer of what is to come, and seen what has been seen, we could even hear her moan to recreate her nights of passion in the jungle. Some believe that it is a ploy to get some kind of damaging economic deal. At the moment it has made a lot of noise but with some errors that took away the intention and power of that woman who boasts of having obtained the abdication of the emeritus. On the web you can register to receive the release notice, deposit your receipts and not receive confirmation email. It could be a computer error or that the euphoria of the gossips has crashed the server. Or even more so, maybe tomorrow he will sell us another spy story and make us believe that his project has been hacked so that his latest fantasy does not see the light of day. You can't buy the costumes either, they will be available soon. First she will release them and instead of pronouncing that 'I'll hit you milk!', she prefers to shout that Mr. Summer was 'disturbed and ruthless'. There are already those who see her on the 'Deluxe' sofa telling other misdeeds that did not fit in the podcast. Corinna always guards, even though many interviews have already been done. Until now, he feared for his safety, as Bárbara Rey did at the time.