coitus interruptus

Barclays and his wife are making love on the eve of her birthday. It's an early way to celebrate the anniversary. Barclays considered herself a delicate and obliging lover. He thinks he's pleasing his wife. Suddenly, she falls asleep and begins to snore. Surprised, Barclays tried to wake her up, continuing his thrusts, redoubling his thrusts, trying to take her with more energy. We are, however, neither a vehement nor vigorous lover. He does not know how to love harshly, with spasms of violence, hitting or pulling his wife's hair. You are a soft, very soft lover, so soft that his wife has fallen asleep in the middle of an erotic session. After carefully withdrawing from his wife's body, Barclays wonders: - Has she fallen asleep because she doesn't love me anymore? Are you bored when we make love? To be such a bland lover that the pongo has to sleep? They have been living together for twelve years and it is the first time that she, Silvia, his wife, fell asleep during a love exchange, causing a kind of coitus interruptus. -Could it be that he's had too much wine and that's why he's snoring next to me now? Barclays wonders. It is not the first time that a woman falls asleep in the middle of an erotic scuffle with him. Many years ago, when he turned thirty-five, Barclays and his first wife Cassandra gave a party at a hotel that ended at six in the morning. Already in broad daylight, they drove to their home in the suburbs. Cassandra was quite drunk, Barclays hadn't had any alcohol. It had been a happy night, they had danced with unusual joy, they had felt the love of their friends. That's why it seemed a natural extension for them to make love, already during the day, the dogs barking in the garden, the cats meowing in the kitchen, asking for food. Barclays' wife deigned to give him a session of oral sex. Shortly after starting it, she fell asleep, her head resting on her husband's crotch. Humiliated, Barclays thought: -He has fallen asleep because he no longer loves me. He has fallen asleep because he is no longer interested in playing with me. Now, to his second wife Silvia, much younger than him, Barclays usually asks him, when he wants to make love: -Do you want to play with me? She never refuses, she is always willing to play, even when she is without the protective contraceptive ring she risks playing with Barclays. And for the most part they play inventively and boldly, mischievously and frankly, quite enjoying it, sharing their secrets. With his first wife, more stately and conservative, Barclays could not afford the mischief and excesses that he allows himself with his second and current wife, he struggles to please him in orthodox positions and especially in heterodox ones, those reserved for the most licentious or the most hooligans However, now Silvia, on the eve of her birthday, has fallen asleep, fast asleep, and Barclays questions her skills as a delicate, helpful, soft, very soft lover. – More than a lover, be a sedative – he thinks. The next day, the incident is not discussed, perhaps because Silvia does not remember it, or remembers it modestly. Barclays' wife opens her gifts and thanks them with emotion. The eleven-year-old girl, their daughter, is at school. They have lunch at Silvia's favorite restaurant. Barclays only drinks water, but she allows herself a few glasses of wine. Although it would seem like a happy moment, Silvia is furious, really furious. She's not mad at Barclays, thank goodness. She is not angry with her parents, who are far away. She's upset, really upset, with the maid. She is so upset that she tells Barclays: -I want to fire her. You ruined my birthday. The employee is a sixty-year-old Cuban lady. Her name is Maria. She arrived at six in the morning, washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, and made breakfast for the girl. While washing the dishes, Mrs. Maria threw two large containers containing chicken soup into the kitchen sink. The day before, on the eve of her birthday, Silvia had spent hours preparing that chicken soup. it had been delicious. He had prepared it with great care. Soup container was for her. The other was for the dog and cat that live in his house. -How can she be so careless as to throw my chicken soup in the trash! Silvia says, furious, really furious. In the Barclays' house, Señora María ha ha ha ha fame of throwing away more things than should be considered waste. Once he threw a lasagna that Barclays kept in the fridge in the trash, causing a family crisis. Now he's sent Barclays' wife's chicken soup to the landfill, making her birthday sour. "Let's buy a chicken soup at this restaurant," Barclays suggests to his wife. -Nope! -she says-. They don't make my chicken soup here or anywhere! It's delicious! I spent hours making it! Pissed off as she hadn't been unleashed in such bad moods for a long time, Barclays' wife writes a text message in virulent terms to Mrs. Maria. Well, he doesn't fire her, he admonishes her severely. Then he complained that the Peruvian employee Tania is still in Lima because they did not give her a visa to enter the United States. -Tania would never have thrown my soup away, she says. Back in the day, the Barclays fired Cuban employee Maria for throwing excess things in the trash and for leaving her monthly salary check on the kitchen table so Peruvian employee Tania would see it and discover that she earned less than she did. . Leaving the check behind was an unforgivable mistake, Barclays thought, a deliberate provocation to make Tania jealous. That's why he fired her and was left alone with Tania. Then Tania traveled to Lima and updated her visa, but it was not renewed, it was denied, so, defeated, the Barclays rehired Mrs. Maria. Could the Barclays live without maids? Yes of course. But having to get up at six in the morning, prepare breakfast for the girl, take her to school that is far from the island where they live. They would have to wash the dishes, clean the kitchen, do the grocery shopping, scrub the bathrooms. They would have to go pick up the girl from school at three in the afternoon. Since they don't want to do any of that because they're lazy and spoiled, the Barclays need Mrs. Maria and can't afford to fire her just because she trashed the chicken soup. On her birthday, Silvia is happy because she has received flowers from her mother-in-law Dorita and her brother-in-law Octavio, but at the same time surprised because her brother-in-law Julián has not greeted her. Every two hours, Barclays asks him: -Has Julián greeted you yet? But Julián does not greet her. The afternoon passes, night comes, midnight comes and Julián doesn't greet her. Apparently, he is upset with Silvia. Why did my brother get upset? Barclays wonders. Barclays' eldest daughters, daughters of his first wife Cassandra, haven't greeted Silvia either, though that doesn't surprise Barclays or Silvia. His friendly, aloof but. The next day, the eldest daughter sends a very affectionate email, greeting Silvia. Days before her birthday, Silvia went with her husband to a shopping center, where she bought her gifts, all of them very pretty. She is a reasonably free, comfortable and perhaps happy woman. But he fell asleep making love. And they have thrown his chicken soup in the trash. And she's upset, strangely upset. So upset that Barclays wonders: - Could it be that she is no longer happy living with me and that the chicken soup incident is just the tip of the iceberg of her unhappiness? As night falls, Barclays is desperate for his wife and youngest daughter and drives to the television. Silvia is still in a bad mood. Maybe that's why he goes to the karate academy. Perhaps he needs to punch and kick to vent his frustrations. In addition, at the academy she has two lesbian friends, both Argentine, who adore her. The tough martial arts session ended, the three of them go to a Japanese restaurant for dinner. It may be the happiest moment of Silvia's birthday. Barclays wonders: -If she is happier with her lesbian friends than with me, could it be that my wife is a lesbian and is about to discover it? When Barclays returns home at midnight, Silvia is still in the restaurant with her friends. Come back shortly after. She is drunk and happy. Will my wife be an alcoholic? Barclays wonders. Or is it on its way to being? Already in bed, Barclays refrains from asking: -Do you want to play with me?