Check the result of today's Bonoloto draw Saturday, May 13, 2023

The numbers 09,24,34,39,46,49. The complementary has been 19 and refund corresponds to 1 have been the result of today's Bonoloto draw Saturday, May 13, 2023.

The celebration of the Sorto de la Bonoloto takes place in Cape Monday on Saturday at 21.30:0,50 p.m. To participate, the minimum cost of bet is 1 euros, but the minimum amount of the ticket is 11 euro. To prepare the bets, you can choose the option of a bet for each day, or a weekly bet for every day. In addition, the bets can be simple, or multiples of up to XNUMX numbers.

To participate in the Bonoloto, you have to select 6 different numbers between 1 and 49. To sell the ticket, you get a number between 0 and 9 that corresponds to the refund. While the draw is taking place, 6 balls numbered between 1 and 49 are drawn from a drum that correspond to the winning combination. Afterwards, it will be an extra ball but that will be the complementary number, and from another drum with 10 balls between 0 and 9 one will be drawn, which will be refunded.

In the Bonoloto, 55% of the collection goes to the prizes. The prizes are divided into several categories: from those who guess 3 numbers of the winning combination, to those who have the 6 resulting numbers. In addition to these prizes, if your withdrawal number matches the one that came out in the draw, your prize will be the amount of the bet.

Check the results of all the lotteries on ABC.

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