Ángel Téllez imposes a harmless bullfight on Santa María in Mora

The celebration that Mora welcomed with so much enthusiasm on the occasion of the Olive Tree Festival was ruined by an insubstantial confinement of Santa María. Not even the virgin who gives number has the livestock, despite holding more than enough rennet for the bullring.

The first one left short of trip and slipped through the left piton to Eugenio de Mora. He seemed cramped out and did not invite confidence. A mid-height attack from Pastu that Eugenio channeled as best he could before an animal that was not standing up, even going so far as to lie down. He got more than he expected in the premiere in which the sword pulled professionalism to give the best possible image (ear).

The fourth came out uncertain and put complications in banderillas. He did not give too many options in the crutch, where Eugenio could only defend himself against an animal that, when citing the crutch, came to the body. He had a cloud on the left and despite this Eugenio wanted to justify himself to his countrymen, who asked him to pass it. He was proud and waged misfortune before an animal that should never have embarked with that cloud (clapping hands).

Téllez was able to stretch Veronica better. He was sleeping the second for the left python and it was marked in the remove by chicuelinas. He seemed to have a better starting condition than the first and Téllez provided his countrymen. Mirage of reality of an animal that came and went but was not a paragon of strength and virtues. A lot of will and disposition of Téllez before an animal that moved quietly, looking and without being used, and with which he could glimpse, especially on the left, that if he has a bull, he has the conditions to fight. Waste of value in the vicinity in the epilogue and a whole lunge although somewhat fallen that earned him the double trophy.

The fifth was a curdled bull that soon disintegrated on the crutch. Tell passed him by both pythons despite the fact that he charged with just force and without compromising the charges. He took out the bullfighter more than his opponent had and his countrymen thanked him on a nondescript afternoon. Very fitted he looked for bullfighting with a long stroke, leading the attacks with an exquisite placement. Arrimón highly valued and meritorious, overcoming his opponent. He closed single-handedly and the sword left everything in the ear.

Ignacio Olmos wanted to show off with the hood on the animal with which he presented as a bullfighter in his town. He came out with a lot of spirit and did not make it easy. He lost his hands and lay down, and Olmos's face said it all. Frustration for waiting for the day to come and meeting such a delusional animal. He tried it for both pitons and the few muletazos that was likely because, in addition to citing, he also charged the bullfighter (clapping).

The one who closed the celebration did not presume too much hope either. However, Olmos fired the arrests and tried to make good the brawling attacks of a bull holding on to the ground that soon got bored. The little olive sounded, and the newly alternate honored the pasodoble, the countrymen and his profession. He did not claim that it was his second bullfight or that he still had the points from Tomelloso's goring. Credit intact (silence).