Alex Gubern: Davidians


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Recently, the political scientist Juan Milián (1981) published 'The Spanish Process' (Deusto), a sharp reflection on the political moment in our country. Enlisted in the ranks of the Catalan PP, a columnist for ABC Barcelona, ​​​​a lucid voice light years away from the common voice of politicians of his generation with as few readings as a desire to prosper, Milián warns of the 'Catalanization' of Spanish politics, in what Alerte is a kind of translation to the national circus of what has been doctrine in Catalonia for the last decade: conscious fracture of society, political polarization, use of institutions for personal gain... self-destruction. Deputy in the Parliament hanging the key years of the 'trial', Milián alludes to the generalization in

the whole of Spain from demagoguery and the perversion of language, in short, from populism as a 'mainstream' substratum of Spanish politics, particularly sanchismo. Processing humus.

To the reflections that feed 'The Spanish Process', and after what has been seen these days in Madrid - "sloppy grotesque 'carromeros', chiquichancas and mortadelo apprentices", said Ignacio Camacho -, it must be added that national politics no longer only emulates to the Catalan and to the 'trial' in the background but in the forms. If the Catalan 'mortadelos' hid microphones in the vases of the Camargue looking for evidence to 'embarrass' the Pujols, in the PP of Madrid, the national PP by elevation, a civil war is waged as stark for what is at stake as Seedy in the packaging, very shoe-phone and superagent 86. For the tranquility of many Catalans who fear that this ours is cursed, a few more days of Madrid politics and we will begin to breathe easier. We are not alone.

The last chapter of Spanish Catalanization is being written these days minute by minute, like a football match live on the web, with street demonstrations and the vertigo of historical days. Like then, like now, too much to lose if the escalation towards collective suicide is not stopped. Here and there, like the Davidians of Waco.