a silent scandal

A few days ago, a group of bosses from different pharmaceutical companies paraded through the European Parliament. They had been summoned to answer the questions of a commission created to investigate the irregularities detected in the process of acquiring millions of doses of the cynically called coronavirus 'vaccines', actually experimental gene therapies of very doubtful efficacy (and much adverse effects). less doubtful). The bird headed by Pfizer did not attend the appointment, taking refuge in the ignominious contracts that his company had signed with the European Commission, which shields him from all kinds of claims. In her place, a subordinate of hers came who dedicated herself to avoiding the most uncomfortable questions; but, in a moment of relaxation (it is what the conscience of impunity has!), he acknowledged that his company had not even bothered to check if the concoction sold in millions of doses prevented the transmission of the virus, trusting that the 'market 'he will provide data on its operation. There was no need for this scoundrel to confirm something that we had already proven empirically. Experimental gene therapies, in fact, never stopped the transmission of the virus (one day it will be known if they actually accelerated it), nor did they provide immunity to the inoculated (one day it will be known if, on the contrary, they made them more vulnerable to the virus). contagion and other devastating diseases). But Pfizer's top brass, in the days when they proudly proclaimed that they had found Benito's purge against the coronavirus, deceitfully claimed that their 'vaccine' cut transmission, even with a single dose; and also that 'vaccinated' people were not contagious. And it was these manifest falsehoods that encouraged psychopathic rulers, systemic parrots with a media platform and smeared doctors to cheer for serious persecutory and stigmatizing measures against the few people who still kept an iota of good sense and prudence, turning them into goats, a sociatorious embla quead quead Behaviored The herd was docile to their designs, at the same time as a rabid pack against those who did not want to obey them. Today we already know that the psychopathic rulers, the systemic parrots and the smeared medics lied like scoundrels, a safe exchange for sumptuous sponsorships and sumptuous retirements. The most corrupt and rebellious mob has wildly enriched itself by inoculating millions of people with a concoction, while brilliant 'epidemics of cancer' flourish, medical offices are filled with patients suffering from heart failure and arrhythmias, heart attacks and pneumonia multiply, strokes and autoimmune diseases. But let's not be conspiratorial: for all these conditions that are triggering mortality, the concoction is not to blame, but the meat from macro-farms, the war in Ukraine and the climate.