a robot to measure the temperature and detect toxic gases in the mast

The Local Police of Valencia has tested this Tuesday in the mascletà of the Plaza del Ayuntamiento a robot that was part of one of the European projects in which the Department of Citizen Protection participated and which aims to provide technological solutions in emergency situations.

"The robot has integrated sensors, thermal cameras and lasers to monitor people in a saturated environment, measure toxic gases or detect the direction of the venuo among many other functions", explained the Councilor for Citizen Protection, Aarón Cano.

“This pilot test was part of the RESPOND-A project in which the Valencia Police was part as a partner in execution and development. Once again, we return to transfer the importance that research and development suppose for the security standards of the Valencian citizenry.

In this case, we are doing it with a very glamorous pilot project that this robot that we will be able to use in the future for the detection of toxic gases and other elements in security systems for the measurement of gases and other indicators”, said Cano.

The test, which was carried out before, during and after the disappearance, has made it possible to test the robot's communication protocols in a crowded environment, the scope of the 3D sensors for the reconstruction of the sensor, the thermal camera for the detection of trained people anonymous, the artificial intelligence cameras for the recognition of certain objects and, also, the high-precision camera that is integrated among its systems.

“The robot we tested today uses 4G technology and has a thermal camera. In short, we are talking about the latest technology with a fundamental application: guaranteeing the safety of citizens. And knowing that the problems that can be foreseen or that we may suffer in the future are now beginning to be faced through the development of these research and development projects”, the mayor of Citizen Protection remarked.

During the mascletà, in addition, different 'laptops' have also been tested for police officers and especially firefighters that measure environmental and other variables that would provide them with new tools to know how to act in certain adverse circumstances.