a book walks the "not always easy" path of the most universal Alcoyan

The Alicante Institute of Culture Juan Gil-Albert has released its new publication “Camilo Sesto. Neither angel nor demon”, the work of the writer and journalist Ramón Climent. The book will be publicly presented at a tribute gala to the singer and composer that will take place at the Calderón Theater in Alcoy this Thursday, September 15 at 19:30 p.m.

The vice president and deputy for Culture, Julia Parra, has recommended the new biographical work, which she assures is, without a doubt, one of the most anticipated and demanded works by a large audience that has closely followed the career of Camilo Sesto, one of the most internationally recognized Alicante natives who will now be present in the bibliographic collection of the Gil-Albert Institute”, he pointed out.

The provincial official explained that the celebration of the gala will coincide with the launch of the publication on September 15. "From the Diputación and from the Gil-Albert we wanted to go one step further in homage to the singer and we will support the launch of this book with a great act of remembrance enlivened with music, open to the public and free access, prior reservation of entry" , Parra has detailed.

The mayor of Alcoy, Toni Francés, has also shown his support for the impulsive celebration for the Gil-Albert, which will take place precisely the same month in which the birth and death of Camilo Sesto are commemorated. The first mayor has recorded his human dimension and his importance "as an international artist who carried the name of Alcoy all over the world and who always presumed to be from this city."

The tribute gala in which the book will feature the intervention of its author and other personalities. The meeting will be enlivened with a concert by the group Los Dayson, with which Camilo Blanes began to take his first musical steps.