Why is it important to prevent cavities in baby teeth?

Taking care of the oral health of the little ones is key to guaranteeing correct development and learning in aspects such as chewing and swallowing food, and even learning other processes such as speaking and vocalizing correctly. In this way, even if it is milk teeth that are going to fall out, it is essential to pay attention to it to prevent problems.

“Cavities that affect milk teeth due to a series of specific characteristics that define the first dentition can lead to early tooth loss. The infections that develop due to problems in these teeth can affect the permanent ones: teeth that become permanent, but have that new space next to them, can move to this position and make it difficult for the final piece to erupt.

In other words, a very problematic sprain or crowding would be caused”, explained Manuela Escorial, a dentist in the Department of Innovation and Clinical Quality at Sanitas Dental.

Faced with this situation, and to prevent the appearance of cavities, also in children with baby teeth, specialists recommend:

– Avoid sweetened foods. Sweets, processed juices, soft drinks or sweets should be consumed as little as possible, but care must also be taken with refined flours that, when metabolized, definitely turn into sugars that also flourish on the teeth. There are plenty of processed foods geared toward little ones that contain a lot of masked sugar. It is essential that parents are informed through nutritional labeling and avoidance to the extent possible.

– Hard foods. To strengthen the bite and, in addition, favor the production of saliva, which is a natural barrier for the teeth, it is recommended to consume foods with fiber that favor chewing. Likewise, the consumption of these foods will also bring great benefits in the general health of the little ones.

– Delicate brushing. With the appearance of the first teeth, it is necessary to be careful and clean the gums and teeth with a soaked gauze to remove the remains of food. When the teeth are complete, conventional brushing should be done with a more delicate movement, avoiding sudden and aggressive actions. To do this, there are specific brushes for the little ones that have a smaller head and softer, more flexible and sensitive bristles. With the appearance of the first posterior teeth, the use of dental floss will be necessary. Cleaning the tongue will also be essential.

– Adapted diene paste. Together with delicate brushing, it is recommended to use a toothpaste that has the amount of fluoride adapted to the child's needs, the concentration of fluoride is adapted to the patient's age and the tendency or risk of caries. The amount is directly related to education and can come from a grain of rice the size of a pea, according to the Spanish Society of Pediatric Dentistry (SEOP). In addition, the paste should not be abused and it is enough that an amount similar to the size of a pea is used in each brushing.

– Visit the pediatrician and dentist. With the appearance of the first baby tooth in the mouth, it is convenient to take the baby to the pediatric dentist. Parents will receive guidelines on the hygiene to be carried out in these early stages, dietary advice and a review of the baby's entire mouth to ensure that everything is in order. Go to the pediatric dentist so that the child is always well.