the Metro amplified its seats for the first act of the Fallas 2023

After the event, an additional train will run from the Pont de Fusta stop to Vicente Andrés Estellés

Tram to the Crida in Valencia: the Metro expands its seats for the first act of Las Fallas 2023

Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) will expand on Sunday, February 26, its service offer on the Metrovalencia tram lines on the occasion of the celebration of La Crida. of the Fallas 2023.

The act is scheduled at 19.00:4 p.m. in the Torres de Serrano, the usual place for this meeting. Metrovalencia has a stop at Pont de Fusta, belonging to Line 10 (Mas del Rosari-Doctor Lluch), which allows quick and comfortable access, with a frequency of one tram every XNUMX minutes to different destinations.

Metrovalencia has established that all the tram units of Line 4 circulate that afternoon in double compositions to offer a greater number of seats. In addition, at the end of the act, a tram will be added to the circulation between Pont de Fusta and Vicent Andrés Estellés for the return of those attending this act.

As you know, Metrovalencia will reinforce the device for customer service and security at the Pont de Fusta stop.

This service is, first of all, the one that the public company has provided for the upcoming Fallas festivities and which will allow users to have access to metro and tram services to attend the different points of interest and events scheduled during the day and night. evening.

Timetables can be consulted on the Metrovalencia website and on the free information and Customer Service telephone number 900 46 10 46, as well as on social networks and the official Metrovalencia app.

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