The Valencia institute that denied the father authorization in Spanish for his son's excursion provides him with the document

The latest efforts by the parent and the Hablamos Español association bear fruit and the adolescent will participate in the activity with his classmates

Entrance to the IES Serpis in Valencia, in an image released by the Generalitat.

Entrance to the IES Serpis in Valencia, in an image released by the Generalitat. GVA

Jose Luis Fernandez

The requests of the parent of a student from the IES Serpis in Valencia to have the written authorization document in Spanish for an excursion scheduled for this Friday, November 25, have come to fruition at the last minute on the eve of this activity and the adolescent You can participate in the activity with the rest of your classmates.

From the Hablamos Español association, which has advised this parent and has mediated in their requests to assert their right, they have positively assessed that they have redirected this situation.

Parental authorization model for an excursion sent by the center to the parent who requested it.

Parental authorization model for an excursion sent by the center to the parent who requested it. abc

They have also indicated that from the educational center they have announced to the student's father that they will also provide another consent form in Spanish for an excursion of another pending assignment for next December.

As ABC had published, the interested party had been requesting to have all administrative communications in both official languages ​​for several months, but in the case of this Friday's excursion, with archaeologists and for the subject of prehistory, the translation into Spanish had been sent. by mail proposing to sign the authorization in Valencian.

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