Putin's secret granddaughter who grew up in Germany

Rosalia SanchezCONTINUE

The discovery that the current partner of Putin's youngest daughter, Katerina Tikhonova, is choreographer and former Munich ballet director Igor Zelensky has led to another important discovery about the Russian president's family. Until his resignation for "private family reasons" and transfer to Moscow at the beginning of April, Zelensky had been sharing his home in Munich for long periods with Katerina, who had flown from Moscow to Munich more than 50 times in the last two years. years and that she did not arrive alone in the Bavarian capital.

On December 9, 2019, for example, he traveled with "a nanny, a piano teacher and three secret service employees." The presence of the nanny and the teacher has allowed the investigators of the 'iStoies' platform to pull the thread until they confirm that the couple has a daughter together, who would be the third and unknown granddaughter of Vladimir Putin.

Until now I knew of the existence of two grandchildren, children of the eldest daughter Maria Vorotsova, but the Bavarian trail has led to the birth, in December 2017, of a girl whose middle name is Igorevna, which according to Russian tradition corresponds to the Daughter by Igor Zelensky. The girl has grown up with one foot in Germany and the other in Russia, a childhood similar to that of her mother, who was born in Dresden in 1986, when Putin worked for the KGB in the GDR, communist Germany. Katerina returned to the Putin family in Russia at the Fall of the Berlin Wall and went to school at the German College in Moscow.

ballet friends

Tikhonova studied Mathematics and Physics in Moscow, before becoming the director of Innopraktika, a multimillion-dollar innovation project at Moscow State University, which resulted in a new Institute of Artificial Intelligence in 2020.

In 2014 he was married to Kirill Shanalov, the son of an oligarch affiliated with Putin, who became a shareholder in the Sibur petrochemical company at the time and whom he divorced in 2017 without having children. Just a year later, Shanalov was placed on the US sanctions list. We find out how and how we work with Igor and Katerina, possibly through Putin's daughter's fondness for rock and roll dancing, discipline in participation included in contest, where if it is clear that there are Friends long before the marriage of Katerina with Shanalov, at least since 2011, when Zelenski came to direct the Stanislavsky Musical Theater in Moscow.

He held this position until 2016 and now speculates that he might seek work outside of Russia because the couple was already thinking of having children and wanted to start a family a little further away from the intrigues of the Kremlin. His intention from the beginning, moreover, was to maintain the existence of the family nucleus in secret. Both Vorontsova, who was married to a Dutchman, and Tikhonova, who has been living between Munich and Moscow, are now on the list of European sanctions and that would be the reason why the couple has moved with their daughter to Russia. , he thought that he greatly appreciated life in Western Europe. Katerina Tikhonova poses in a villa in the seaside resort of Biarritz, in southwestern France, where she has been enjoying weekends and vacations with her partner and her daughter until the three have been forced to return to Russia.

fake identities

Vorontsova, based in the Netherlands, returned to Moscow because her MH17 passenger plane was shot down by a Russian Buk mistle in Donbass in 2014 and has rebuilt her life there. Zelenski, recognized as a great artist in both Germany and Russia, has been assigned to direct the new musical theater in Sevastopol, a prestigious project initiated by Putin, but which has been built in its initial phase. Putin has rarely talked about his two eldest grandchildren and never about this third. Only in 2017, in long interviews with the American director Oliver Stone, broadcast on the Showtime channel, did he acknowledge that being a grandfather was "very happy" and insisted that "I don't want them to grow up like princes, I want them to be normal people."

For security and anonymity, both in Russia and Germany his daughters and grandchildren live under pseudonyms. Katerina has been entering Germany on a Russian passport under the false surname Kuznetsova. The western intelligence services suspect that both these two daughters and other vast unrecognized peers whose identity is lost in Switzerland, hide from Putin abroad, as well as his current properties, Alina Kabaeva, the secret first lady of Russia .