Castilla y León collaborated in extinguishing the fires in Añón de Moncayo (Zaragoza) and Telledo (Asturias)

Members of the Castilla y León forest firefighting operation, Infocal, are also working to extinguish the fires declared in other autonomous communities. This Sunday, the land and air media are collaborating in the work to contain the advance of the flames in Aragón and Asturias, in which assets are under maintenance in Castilla y León.

The greatest use has been sent to Aragón, to support the extinction of the fire destroyed in Añón de Moncayo, in the province of Zaragoza. With more than 50 kilometers of perimeter, there are various activities and risks that enter the Moncayo Natural Park, the leak has forced the evacuation of 1.300 people from each locality.

From Castilla y León, the refusal to the brigades deployed there is made up of a technician, an environmental agent, a ground crew, a fire engine, a bulldozer, a helicopter and another aerial device together with its corresponding crew (ELIF).

When it comes to forest fires "there are no borders", highlights from the Junta de Castilla y León through its partil on Twitter @Naturalezacyl.

“Cooperation between communities”, they also highlight. In the case of extinguishing the forest fire in Telledo, the municipality of Lena, the area of ​​Caldas de Luna, Castilla y León collaborated with a helicopter sent from León and a helicopter brigade from Asturias.

Since July 1, when the summer season of high fire risk began, the media in Castilla y León have succeeded in extinguishing failed fires in the nine autonomous communities with which it borders, in addition to Portugal, with whom It also borders.

In this black summer in the fight against the flames, the Infocal operation has provided support on 26 occasions: five in Portugal, four in both Galicia and Castilla-La Mancha; three in the case of Extremadura and Aragón; sometimes in La Rioja and Asturias and once in Madrid, as well as in Cantabria and the Basque Country.

Fire declared this Sunday afternoon in Porto (Zamora)

Fire declared this Sunday afternoon in Porto (Zamora) @NATURALEZACYL

In the same way, Castilla y León, the territory in which the flames have spread with greater voracity and have devastated more surface - some 98.000 hectares already -, has also received support from other communities and from Portugal up to 21 times. "In an emergency, solidarity between autonomous communities is a priority #NoHayFronteras", they emphasize from the Board, which this year has had to deal with large forest fires such as the one in the Sierra de la Culebra, which burned in June in less than four days 25,000 hectares in the province of Zamora, or Losacio, right next door, which reduced another 35,000 hectares to ashes. Only those two fires have burned more than 5 percent of the entire provincial area.

The province of Zamora is the most affected this summer. This Sunday, around 17.30:XNUMX p.m., a new forest fire broke out in Porto, in the Sanabria region, which has mobilized numerous air and ground media.