Specialization program Management of employment contracts, payroll and Social Security · Legal News

Why take this course?

The business reality is more global and changing, and makes labor relations reach a critical point, it has been seen, more complex and its regulation has to be continuously readapted to face new situations. The new forms of work and the new company and worker models require continuous training and professional skills that address contractual management in labor relations that allows them to face any problem that may arise.

For this reason, the Course will provide the student with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to:

  • Manage the employment relationship from the beginning to the possible end between the worker and the company.
  • Prepare and draw up the contract, according to the type of job and the type of relationship to be established between both parties.
  • Establish a proposal for an employment contract with the essential clauses to include reproduced in video format.
  • Learn about the use of Smartforms in employment contracts.
  • Study the impact of Collective Agreements on Salary Tables.
  • Details of the Special Scheme for self-employed workers. TRADE WINDS
  • Analyzing the incidence of remote work in labor hiring.
  • Establish channels of communication with Public Organisms.
  • Make a salary sheet including special situations such as temporary disability, contribution, etc.
  • Address the causes of termination of the employment relationship together with the determination of the corresponding compensation.

Addressed to

To Human Resources professionals and technicians in labor relations who seek to deepen, recycle or stay up to date on all legal aspects of labor contracting and Social Security benefits. It is also an ideal training for recent Graduates to provide a comprehensive and global vision of all the processes that make up hiring in labor relations.


The objective of the course is to acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge to be able to increase the employability of the student by learning to manage the employment relationship from the beginning to the end between the employee and the company.

In addition, put into practice all the knowledge acquired through the cases planted by the tutors through the use of a leading software tool in the market A3NOM.


Module 1. Employment contract

It will be understood as a description of the employment contract beginning with formal requirements and essential elements, as well as communication requirements to the corresponding body. In addition, it will be easier to propose a contract with the essential clauses to include. Next, study the main contractual modalities in force. The so-called "special labor relations" will also be addressed. Mention will be made of the existence of other articulated contracts for special groups. Determine the use of the type of contract based on its purpose and cause, forcing the employer to use the corresponding contractual model. The Agreements and their reflection in Salary Tables will be analyzed. Finally, we will address how to apply Smartforms to employment contracts.

Module 2. Social Security System

It will explain what the Social Security System is, its principles and fines. In addition, they will define some basic concepts that they usually handle in the field of labor and, especially, in the management of the company with the Social Security. The student must become familiar with these concepts, which will continually emerge throughout the course, and hence its importance as a prior guide in carrying out payroll and Social Security procedures.

Module 3. Special Scheme for Self-Employed Workers. TRADE WINDS

It will describe the concept of self-employed worker, their hiring and their professional regime. Next, we will proceed to the analysis of the social protection of the self-employed worker (RETA). The professional regime of the OFFICE and its social protection will also be addressed. It will end with references to measures to promote self-employment in terms of Social Security, financial subsidies (ICO line for companies and entrepreneurs) and subsidies for activities to promote self-employment.

Module 4. Registration of companies and workers

The procedures to be carried out by the employer to start or cease its activity, affiliate and register its workers will be discussed. First step to be implemented by the company to comply with its obligations with Social Security and in the company's relations with the Administration to start hiring. Likewise, explain what the RED System (Electronic Data Submission) consists of so that the employer, in addition to relations with Social Security, complies with the obligations of registration, affiliation, registrations, cancellations, contributions and collection.

Module 5. Salary and payroll

It will be studied what the salary consists of, concepts and its different modalities, how the salary and non-salary concepts are structured and its reflection in the salary receipt or payroll. The knowledge of the nature of each concept and its differentiation with other perceptions will not also be analyzed for its correct elaboration and handling by a payroll program. It will address how the contribution base is calculated for common contingencies and for professional contingencies, concepts included and excluded, as well as contributions for unemployment, professional training and FOGASA. Ultimately, this will explain how the personal income tax withholding is computed as soon as it has been made in the appointment and the obligations of the employer and the workers as a company.

Module 6. Remote work and telework

Delve into the notion of teleworking and the basic definitions that Law 10/2021 receives, as well as the limitations on remote work. Later, you will study the skills of remote workers to try to describe the needs of remote workers. Likewise, address the faculties of organization, management and business control in remote work. This part of the module is intended for additional provisions and transitory and final provisions. It will also delve into the procedure before the social jurisdiction and remote work and data protection. Remote work in Public Administrations will end.

Module 7. Contribution to the General Social Security Scheme

Dedicate yourself to the sober listing obligations that the company has and explain how to comply with the settlements according to the different modalities offered by the Red System, its presentation and its entry. Likewise, it will be studied how the bonuses and reductions of quotas and requirements will be managed in the System, which are the surcharges that are applied to quotas not presented and/or not deposited. Ultimately, this will summarize the Red Internet System and Red Direct specifications.

Module 8. Social Security Services

What the benefit or subsidy of the Managing Entity consists of during situations of temporary incapacity, maternity, paternity, risk during pregnancy and breastfeeding will be analyzed. For each contingency dealt with, it will be seen what the benefit consists of, requirements to be received, start, duration and termination and who manages it and is responsible for its payment.

Module 9. Costs in special cases

It will be addressed how to make the listing and what obligations the company has. Likewise, it will be studied how contributions are made in other situations or types of contracts with special characteristics such as legal guardianship, part-time contracts, training and short-term temporary contracts, high status without remuneration, moonlighting, payment of salaries retroactively, accrued vacations and not enjoyed and strike and lockout. All contributions refer to the General Social Security Regime.

Module 10. IRPF and IRNR declarations

The obligations that the company has, vis-à-vis the Tax Agency and the worker himself, will be studied in relation to the declarations and certificates of withholdings made on account of personal income tax or, in the case of workers not resident in Spain, of the IRNR.

Module 11. Termination of the employment relationship

Focus on the end of the employment relationship. All the causes for which an employment contract of legal, contractual origin, decision of the worker himself or decision of the company, with special emphasis on dismissal and its consequences, will be studied. Likewise, it will be analyzed what is the receipt of balance and settlement and, finally, the procedures that must be carried out to definitively discharge the worker in the company. The compensation that corresponds to them will also be seen through the different types of dismissals.

Module 12. A3ADVISOR|name

Its purpose will be to carry out a practical case through the demo version of the a3ASESOR application, work software in name management and Social Security distributed by the Director of a reputable Consultancy who will compare his extensive experience.


  • Ana Fernandez Lucio. She has been a practicing lawyer for 25 years, specializing in Labor Law and Family Law. She has a degree in Law (UAM), a Diploma from the School of Legal Practice (UCM) and a Diploma in Family Mediation (ICAM).
  • Juan Panella Marti. Social graduate, social and labor auditor and practicing lawyer. Director of the Gemap consultancy, SLP is dedicated to the Legal, Labor and Tax field. Since 2004 he has been president of the Spanish Association of Socio-Labor and Equality Auditors. Professor of the Master's Degree in Labor Consulting and Auditing and in Labor Audit of Legality, Wages and Gender.


The program is distributed in e-learning mode through the Wolters Kluwer Virtual Campus with downloadable materials from the Smart Professional Library and complementary training resources. From the Teacher Follow-up Forum, the guidelines will be set, dynamizing with the reinforcement of concepts, notes and practical applications of the contents. Throughout the Modules, the student must gradually carry out various evaluable activities for which they will receive the appropriate guidelines for their realization. Other training activities that the Course will have will be the Digital Meetings through videoconference of the case itself. Said Digital Meetings will be edited on video to be available as another training resource. To this will be added the dynamization of the Course in the Teacher Monitoring Forum with the latest publications, Court rulings and training videos on "key" concepts and where, in addition, we will also proceed to answer all the questions that are asked. formular All these interventions will be provided to finish the Course in a PDF.

The objective of the Course is to address the management of all the processes that make up the legal labor contracting process with a very practical approach, offering examples and developments that facilitate their rapid assimilation, and understanding the impact of each process in each specific case that the advisers or experts can be found. The Course will come from a “checklist” that will allow you to make a quick check of the practical impact of the applicable standards. There are renowned experts such as teachers who, in addition to sharing their own experience, will resolve any doubts that may arise both through the Teacher Follow-up Forum and in real time in the Digital Meetings. In short, a training that will stay with you.