Pilar Llop asks parliamentary groups to support efficiency laws to bring Justice into the XNUMXst century Legal News

The Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, has compared this young man to the Justice Commission of the Congress of Deputies to report on the development of the projects carried out by his Department.

The Department that he directs has launched “a great transformation of Justice”, he said. Llop has referred to the three efficiency laws -the procedural, the organizational and the digital- launched by the Ministry that directs and that are in parliamentary proceedings, as "the most ambitious attempt that we could have made in this country to bring, once and for all, the Administration of Justice, to the XNUMXst century”.


The minister has made an appeal to the parliamentary forces to reach an agreement on them and so that "they do not settle in the no", and thus "place citizens at the center of a modern and reliable public service".

According to the minister, "the Public Justice Service is society." And for this reason, these laws promote justice without displacement and oriented to data through projects such as the creation of Justice Offices in the municipalities.

On this point, Llop has insisted on the Data Manifesto, a document prepared in co-governance with the Autonomous Communities (CCAA), the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) and the State Attorney General's Office (FGE), ratified unanimously. in the Sectoral Conference after its approval in the State Technical Committee of the Electronic Judicial Administration (CTEAJE), which seeks to improve the efficiency of Justice through data processing.

Legislative initiatives

In addition to the efficiency laws, Llop has referred to other initiatives undertaken by the Ministry, which are added to the expansion of the participation of Justice in the more than 200 laws approved for the Government coalition. Among them, he highlighted the work carried out to "update the obligation to transpose community directives". Thus, he has referred to the Informant Directive, the adequacy of the Spanish legal system on Eurojust and the Bankruptcy reform.

In relation to the latter, the minister has announced the implementation, for its regulatory development, of the royal decree sober bankruptcy administration and the royal decree sober the public bankruptcy registry, "which are going to solve a problem that has been dragging on for 10 years", and which adds "to the real milestone" that the launch of the bankruptcy platform has meant for micro-SMEs in Spain on January 1.

The head of Justice has also referred to the transposition of the Directive on transformations, mergers and cross-border divisions; as well as the Directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers, which he hopes will be discussed in this period of sessions and that "will place us in a good position in the field of Justice to assume the presidency on duty of the European Union".

Likewise, Llop has highlighted the importance of the Law of Defense bill, and the bill against trafficking in human beings in which his Department is working.

223,5% increase in the allocation for scholarships

The minister has also valued the data in relation to the offer of public employment: in the Administration of Justice it has gone from a total of 1.452 places offered in 2020 to 1.732 in 2022; for the Judicial and Fiscal careers "the offer has not dropped below 200 positions in this legislature", and has announced that the approval in the Council of Ministers of the expansion of the staff of the Public Prosecutor is close.

Llop has influenced "the great leap forward that we have taken in public employment and equal opportunities with the scholarship system in access to certain bodies", and has reported the increase in the volume of the scholarship program for 2023, which has a global endowment of €5.239.880, 223,5% more than the previous year, which will allow 792 scholarships to be announced. "Little by little, the socioeconomic origin is ceasing to be a barrier in access to these careers", he has had an impact.

The minister also wanted to highlight the progress in training being carried out by the Ministry through the Center for Legal Studies (CEJ). "In this legislature we have managed to train for the first time all the Corps of officials that depend on Justice and the rightful places have warned 307% since my arrival", he assured, making it annoying at the attention that has been paid to training in equality and fight against gender violence.

"The CEJ has taken giant steps to develop and improve the quality of distance learning with the incorporation of a Pedagogical Transformation Office", a project, as explained by the minister, included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience and financed from the Next Generation EU funds.


In the parliamentary exhibition on the projects that his portfolio was addressing, Llop has dedicated an extensive chapter to digitization, "the engine of social and territorial cohesion".

Measures such as the electronic judicial file have allowed a professional to access the information that he specified in 20 seconds, compared to the more than three that he had to dedicate before, hours exposed.

With regard to citizens, the introduction of automation techniques in the granting of nationality records has allowed that, from August 2022 when it was launched until February 2023, almost one and a half million processings have been carried out, causing more of 150.000 concessions of nationality by residence and close to 25.000 of Sephardim. "At this rate, the secular gridlock that had seen its end with this Legislature", he announced.

In the chapter on the advances that digitization entails, he referred to the more than 939.000 non-face-to-face telematic actions, from May 2020 to August 2022, which has meant a saving of more than 19 million euros for professionals and it has prevented the emission of more than nine thousand tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

According to data from the Ministry, digitization has also allowed more than 13.000 civil servants to be able to telework, which translates into more than 120.000 hours dedicated to reconciling family and professional life.

According to Llop, digitization and artificial intelligence will increase the motivation of employees in their work, more time must be spent on more specialized issues. “I think that this treatment of Justice officials, valuing their functions and their knowledge, is an obligation and a show of respect”, he explained.

In addition, the Data Portal "is already a reality, which facilitates the adoption of public policies based on real and objective data", he explained, noting the importance of data processing going hand in hand with cybersecurity. At this point, she has highlighted the recent commitment acquired by the Ministry of Justice for the provision of services of the new Cybersecurity Government Office created within the CTEAJE.


On the other hand, the minister has made reference to the investments in infrastructure made by her Department, highlighting the 60 million euros of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan dedicated to the sustainable rehabilitation of 34 judicial headquarters in Ministry territory, as well as "the unblocking” of the Justice cities of Segovia, Palma, Badajoz and Valladolid.

Likewise, it has highlighted the role of the Asset Recovery and Management Office, and the advances in the field of the Institutes of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (IMLCF), referring, for example, to the Coordination Protocol between these organizations and the Offices of Assistance to the Victim of Crime of the Ministry of Justice for the attention to the victim of gender violence, the Protocol of forensic medical action in the event of sexual violence in the IMLCF, or the development and implementation of a new kit of biological samples to improve the forensic normalization of the taking of homicides in crimes against sexual freedom.