ORDER EMT/97/2022, of May 4, modifying the Order

Considering Order EMT/226/2021, of December 3, which establishes the calendar of local festivals in Catalonia for the year 2022 (DOGC no. 8559, of 09.12.2021);

Given that, subsequent to the publication in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya of the aforementioned Order, the municipalities of Lladorre and Arenys de Mar have formulated their proposal for local festivals for the year 2022, and the municipalities of Batea and Bellcaire d Urgell has communicated a modification on the initially formulated proposal;

Nico Article

Order EMT/226/2021, of December 3, is modified, so the calendar of local festivals in Catalonia will be established for the month of August 2022 of the municipalities that will follow:

In the Baix Pallars region, where it says:

Lladorre, proposal not made,

should say:

Lladorre, July 29 and November 11.

Tavascan, August 5 and August 24;

Boldis Sobir, September 29 and December 21;

Boldis Juss, June 29 and July 11;

Aineto, August 5 and November 11;

Lleret, September 16 and November 11.

In the region of El Maresme, where it says:

Arenys de Mar, unformulated proposal,

should say:

Arenys de Mar, July 11 and August 16.

In the region of La Noguera, where it says:

Bellcaire d'Urgell, May 16 and September 12,

just say:

Bellcaire d'Urgell, May 23 and September 12

In the region of La Terra Alta, where it says:

Batea, August 1 and August 2,

just say:

Batea, August 8 and August 9

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