Gender Equality Law

What is and what does the Gender Equality Law consist of?

La Gender Equality Law It was approved in 2007, through a regulation that sought and continues in this struggle to achieve effective equality between women and men. It officially went into effect on March 22, 2007.

What are the legal bases of the Gender Equality Law?

Is called Organic Law 3 / 2007, of March 22, established for effective equality between men and women, from this Law all matters that are related to equality between women and men are regulated. In the articles established in this Gender Equality Law Elements such as parity in public and private administration, in positions of responsibility, non-discrimination based on sex, equal opportunities in the workplace, the fight against gender violence and the reconciliation of personal and family life are studied. and labor.

This Law was approved by the vast majority of the Spanish population, due to the need they felt to address the problem that has been generated in issues of inequality between men and women within society, approving a regulation with The one to give a legal framework to the actions, measures and tools that were of interest to create and use to end the discrimination that women had been suffering in different areas, such as the work environment, even when the Equality Law of Gender was already recognized within the Spanish Constitution.

Through this Gender Equality Law, different areas of society are regulated, including the economic, cultural, artistic area, among many others, as well as regulating rights and duties of natural and legal persons, both in the public and private sectors, of all manifestations or forms. discrimination based on sex.

In its article 3, of the Gender Equality Law, the principle of equal treatment of women and men is established, in which the following is established “implies the absence of all discrimination, direct or indirect, on grounds of sex and , especially, those derived from maternity, the assumption of family obligations and civil status ”.

What are the fundamental objectives of the Gender Equality Law?

This Gender Equality Law has had and continues to have different objectives that are fundamental to end any type of manifestation about discrimination against women, in order to create and guarantee real equality between men and women. Through this Law it is sought to demolish social stereotypes through public policy measures.

However, these gender equality regulations placed special emphasis on the workplace and access to employment for women, among them some of the most prominent will be specified.

The right to work and family conciliation

Through the creation of protocols and special permits, paternity leave was achieved, which was initially 13 days and over the years it has been increased until a 12-week leave was obtained for 2020 and 16 weeks for 2021 , at which point it will be equated to maternity leave.

With this great step achieved, the Law seeks to end employment discrimination against women, as the main person responsible for family care, thus introducing joint responsibility between women and men in matters regarding their respective family obligations.

Parity in Public Administration

Equality in the Public Administration is also another of the areas in which the principle of balanced presence of both women and men must be addressed at the time of making any appointment and designations in the different positions of responsibility that correspond. Also, the incorporation of effective equality in the Security Forces and the Armed Forces should be considered.

Parity in company management

As in the Public Administration, the Gender Equality Law also seeks to achieve real equality in the management positions of companies and, with this, to be able to encourage a greater presence of women in positions of responsibility and company management private. Therefore, the company equality badge,  In order to be able to recognize all the companies that fulfill their real commitment regarding equal treatment and opportunities between men and women.

Is the Gender Equality Law enforced today?

Despite the fact that in many aspects, the Gender Equality Law has achieved quite positive changes in society and in the work environment with respect to parity between men and women and the reduction of discrimination based on sex, since it is note that there is still a long way to go. Different reforms have been established on this Law in which the law itself is intended to achieve being able to meet the objectives set out in its explanatory memorandum.

The steps you want to reach with this Gender Equality Law, they are heading in the right direction, the effect of which is, for example, the extension of paternity leave or the implementation of equality plans or the commitment that companies have with real equality, through the different gender equality courses that are offered for them. However, there is still a long way to go to completely eliminate inequality and end gender violence.