Alternatives to dtl premieres

Premieres DTL is a movie download website, which has an extensive library with premieres in HD quality, which can be downloaded to the computer, one of its most relevant features is its content in Spanish.

The categories of the torrents are found by genre to make it easier for the user to search for the title of their choice, the website offers videos with immersive audio, the links are available 24 hours a day and the content is updated.

However, although the page offers excellent service features, it is important to know which are the alternative websites to dtl premieres that allow you to easily search for torrents.

Ranking of the best alternative websites to dtl premieres

The premieres dtl torrent website is one of those that offers complete torrent content to enjoy premiere movies, but lately the website has been forced to sometimes close its page, causing inconveniences to users in downloads.

Therefore, below, we bring the best alternatives to dtl premieres, these pages have the same functionality features as dtl premieres, some even offer a broader library to download torrents of series, games, music or software.

1.- Vivatorrent

Web with extensive content in audiovisual material, free to download in Spanish, the torrent download system is through P2P, its interface is simple so you can download your favorite torrents, it should be noted that the site is updated frequently.

What you can download from vivatorrent includes:


TV series

The content search filter is done by genre, its main advantage is that it offers movie trailers.

2.- My torrent

Torrent platform oriented to a library with movies and TV series, its most outstanding functions are:

It has several search filters (Genre, quality, year)

The content can be shared on social networks, WhatsApp, Skype or email

Has an option for comments

3.- Torrent area

Torrent zone is one of the best alternatives to dtl premieres, is characterized by offering content in Spanish for movies and series.

Friendly interface


good structuring

The genres available are extensive, among which are action, adventure, war, horror, romance and comedy, another point that should not fail to be mentioned is its premieres section where the movies have not even been on the billboard for a week.

4.- Latin Torrent

Latino torrent as an alternative to dtl premieres, stands out for offering titles dubbed into Spanish for premiere films.

Friendly interface

Attractive design

good structuring

has little advertising


Website with a wide content of movies, which have the following operating characteristics

Adapts to mobile formats

You have the option to choose the video quality

Locate movies by various filters

Its content is extensive, it has classics and premieres from the big screen

It has a YouTube channel to subscribe and learn about the latest from the world of Hollywood

6.- Limetorrents

It is a platform for downloading torrents that is characterized by:

Have a wide catalog of torrents

The content is verified

nice interface

easy handling

Offers content to watch anime series

Its relevant point is that it provides detailed information about the quality of the torrent, the reputation of the user who uploaded it, and the weight of the file.

7.- Marciano Torrent

It is a platform through which you have access to a wide content of movies, series and documentaries, the quality of the videos is HD and 4K, with a wide content of genres, among which are:







The interface is simple, it contains the covers of the content on the home page, which makes it easy to search for your favorite titles.


It is a platform in which there is a wide library of files, which are categorized by genres, it integrates a search engine on its home page to facilitate the search for content.

The images are of excellent quality, it offers the user the option of seeing the movie trailer, and in the news section you can find updated information on the world of cinema and entertainment.

9.- Torrents of lime

The torrents of this website alternative to dtl premieres, have extensive verified content.

nice interface

Provides detailed content information

It has invasive advertising

10.- Torrent Downloads

Platform to download torrents with a complete library of files, which is organized, recently uploaded content can be located in its browser, other torrents that you can download from its website include:




TV Shows


Other alternative websites to dtl, which offer good entertainment content, are the following:




galaxy torrent




The wide range of torrent websites available to users who download this type of content makes it difficult to choose a reliable website, with a wide library of movies, series, anime, music, and video games.

However, the list of alternatives to dtl premieres that we collect for you, have the appropriate characteristics so that you can find your favorite torrent, through platforms that are easy to handle and have a pleasant interface.


Currently, finding an active torrent platform is more difficult than you think, since most of these websites are constantly closed due to legal problems related to copyright.

For this reason, it is important to access a platform that guarantees the download of secure content and that stands out for having a diversity of classic film genres and premieres in its catalog.

The alternatives to dtl premieres, have the best features to offer their users quality movies and series in terms of video, which is available in HD and 4K, as well as surround sound.

It's worth giving our list of sites a try to download the best entertainment content to watch today's trending Hollywood premieres.






