Blackboard in Colombian institutions: Learn how it works and its benefits when using it.

It is no secret to anyone that with the arrival of the pandemic in the world, institutions were forced to implement alternatives that electronically allow their students and teachers to continue their learning tasks, opting for online platforms that allows students to attend their classes but in turn they learned to use these platforms to consolidate their knowledge much more.

In Colombia, the use of platforms such as the Blackboard course management system in different institutions it has accelerated the learning process in students, and thanks to its incredible functions, teachers can also be nourished with knowledge and at the same time evaluate their students. Find out below at what Blackboard consists of and how it is applied in Colombian institutions to contribute positively to the formation of citizens at an educational level.

What is Blackboard?

This popular platform is currently not only used by educational institutions, but also by companies and organizations with the aim of solidifying the knowledge of their employees and obtaining much more efficient results in each of the areas. In theory, the blackboard is a platform used virtually that allows education professionals share teaching materials and personal knowledge of some subject with the users assigned to it, who are normally students.

This is a software born in the United States and developed by the educational technology company Blackboard Inc. This platform provides all its users (whether teachers or students) the possibility of making a long distance comunication among these through email, socialized discussion forums, video conferences, among others. In addition, it allows students to carry out activities by applying methods such as surveys, quizzes and tasks.

In American institutions it is an essential requirement when registering for a semester or course, however many educators do not implement this tool in their classes. In general, this platform is considered a very useful tool to consolidate learning both at a business and educational level, nurturing knowledge for students of institutions as well as for work personnel.

Not necessarily to access the content provided by this platform you must have a face-to-face interaction with the creator, this system is capable of producing and distribute the content in the form of online courses to all your recipients. It has a nice and easy to access platform with a flexible open mode.

Main features of Blackboard in educational institutions and businesses.

In terms of teachers, the use of Blackboard as a tool to facilitate learning and the participation of students allows raise the level of motivation of these and thus exploit their maximum level of potential. Regarding the organizations and using them as a tool to instruct staff It allows increasing knowledge in various areas performed in this and that employees have a higher level of commitment.

Among the main features of Blackboard, the possibility of link attendance and learning in real time, this results in higher levels of competitiveness and the desire to speed up the learning process. Furthermore, this platform can link with third parties or internal management systems quickly and efficiently.

This last feature gives the platform a higher level of data fluidity within any management system used corporately, allowing companies to access student previews, calendars, collaborative integration, assignments, efficient data management, and others.

Another important characteristic lies in the possibility of acquiringgo new service packages At a low cost, this platform already contains full access for its users (depending on the type) to educational modules and others, but there is the possibility of adding new packages that as a company may seem interesting and obtain them at a flexible price. Notably this platform only charges users for the extra added packages.

In addition to its use through computers, Blackboard can be used through mobile apps that are supported in Android and IOS OS, being able to access it online or from any Smartphone.

Benefits of Blackboard within Colombian institutions and companies.

In any part of the world, the use of Blackboard at a business or educational level is possible to save resources, time and in turn instill the corresponding level of learning regardless of whether the induction is delivered in person or virtually. But saving time is only applicable if both instructors and students know how to organize the induction operations effectively.

Blackboard has great benefits, those in which they stand out:

Content centralization.

For both students and instructors, the ability to access all information in a single channel It is already wonderful, and like any course it is essential to grant certain evaluations that must be met as progress is made. In these they can highlight the realization of tests, exhibitions, brochures, projects and other assignments are considered these documents.

Blackboard allows students to deposit all these educational assignments in a single platform and segment, allowing teachers to access this portfolio quickly and safely to later be evaluated and punctuated. Likewise, all course content will be found in one place, providing better access to information for both parties.

Direct communication.

In Colombian institutions, it is not only possible to access Blackboard considering it as a virtual library, but also allows to obtain a strong communication between student and teacher Through different channels, teachers also in these cases have the possibility of making general announcements as reminders, the one that will be displayed to each of the students when they log in.

Grade book.

This great option allows students access your grades in general and of any specific activity allowing a detailed follow-up of the status of the same in the course on a personal level. The implementation of this option allows you to avoid tedious calls and requests to know your notes.

Online evaluations.

Through this platform, linked to the management systems of Colombian educational or business institutions, teachers have the possibility of create practice tests in the form of questionnaires or tests that allow students to be evaluated and that, in order to pass, they must put into practice the knowledge acquired from some module of the course.

The results of these tests are uploaded to the grade book and to carry it out, the same platform applies a time limit mark where students must develop the test, this helps to determine if the student completes the test during the stipulated time.

Submission of assignments electronically.

Through this platform, students can access content to make their assignments and in the same way they can be sent by it. Teachers have access to these through blackboard and they can easily and quickly mark it, correct it, add comments, send corrections and assign the grade.

The implementation of this platform within the Colombian educational and business process allows the saving resources and time, being able to send electronically all the requirements to pass the course and at the same time have access to their grades, verifying in turn if they have missed any assignment, and the approval level status that is carried within it.

 How to access Blackboard AVAFP or the so-called virtual library?

The arrival of Blackboard in Colombia was undoubtedly one of the most anticipated and efficient at an educational and business level. Although it is not called Blackboard but rather a virtual library, it is currently used in many institutions in this country. In the case of AVAFP Blackboard, a training process to all potential users in order to implement this platform as a training tool.

This training was carried out by the Ministry of National Defense and where personnel from different military forces were instructed to perform tasks as administrators of the platform. To enter this library it is essential to meet some requirements and thus be able to have access to all the educational content that Blackboard has to offer.

  • Enter the corresponding site of the virtual library for the Login.
  • Enter username and password (usually users are created with the citizen identification number and this is the same password).

In this way you will be able to access all the active education modules for Colombia, as well as the opportunity to take courses in real time to consolidate your education as a citizen. If you do not have an account within this platform, registration is recommended, and if any problem arises when logging in, you must report your problem to the relevant service center.